You may have heard about magpie parenting. In this article we tell you what it is and we give you the latest research and advice in case you are thinking of adopting this living arrangement.
What Is Magpie Parenting?
Magpie parenting (also known as bird nest parenting or bird-nesting) is a living arrangement where after a divorce or separation, the kids stay in the family home, while the parents rotate in and out of the property, taking it in turns to take care of the children.
The goal of magpie parenting is to provide children with stability during a time of massive transition. The children do not go between two homes, instead it is the parents who move between homes. The ex-couple have another house where they stay when they are not in the family home. Or they each have their own place. For some families, this is a temporary measure, whereas others may nest for years.
In the same way that birds fly in and out of the nest to take care of their little chicks, parents go in and out of the family home to take care of the children. It is a child-centred approach to co-parenting.
Magpie parenting has been quite common in Sweden since the 1970s. It has been around for a while in the U.S. (1) and it is becoming increasingly popular in Europe, mostly amongst middle class families. In 2016, Co-op’s Legal Services (2) found that 11% of separated and divorced adults in the UK had tried magpie parenting. In the UK, it became better known when Anna Whitehouse, aka Mother Pukka, made public in 2023 that they were birdnesting following their divorce. However, it is difficult to know the number of families living under this arrangement as census or residence surveys do not specifically ask about this type of living arrangement.
One possible reason for the rise in nesting agreements is the current economic climate. Birdnesting can be cheaper that having two family homes. Most couples keep the family home for the children to live in and either rent a flat together or stay with friends or family during their ‘off-duty weeks’. This option also avoids the immediate need after the divorce to sell the family home or to buy out the other parent.
Benefits of Magpie Parenting
- It provides children with stability. They sleep in the same bed and in the same bedroom every single night. There is no need for them to change schools, friends, nor do they change their everyday routing.
- Both parents remain very much involved in their children’s lives.
- It may benefit particularly children with special education needs and disabilities (SEND), who may struggle to live between two homes. Birdnesting allows SEND children to remain in a familiar place, with the equipment they need and their familiar routine. Parents do not have to duplicate medical or mobility equipment.
Problems of Magpie Parenting
- It requires a great deal of planning, organizing, cooperation, and creativity.
- It may not be the right option if there is a lot of conflict between the parents. The couple remains bound by logistics and finances. This means more chances for conflict to appear. You may end up arguing about whose turn was to buy milk or take the bins out.
- There need to be very clear and spelled-out agreements and clear boundaries.
- It can make it harder to move on. Think that you will still be sharing one or two houses. You need to decide whether you will be sleeping in the same bedroom or whether you will have different bedrooms. Your ex’s things will still be there. You will have less privacy and a time when you need to move on and distance yourself from your ex-partner.
- It may confuse children. As the parents are not completely independent from each other, children may hold onto dreams of their parents getting back together.
- It can become really complicated when a parent (or both) starts a new relationship.
- It may make sense short-term but long-term tends to get complicated.
Experts Are Divided on Its Impact on Children
Understanding the effects of birdnesting on children is difficult because it is a relatively new trend and therefore, we do not have comparative data. Some experts argue that it is better for children because it allows them to keep the same routine and to adapt to the divorce more slowly. On the other hand, others argue that it does not help children process the reality of the divorce. It has even been argued that magpie parenting is all about sheltering the children from the reality of divorce and that it does not help children to process their new family reality.
Although there is not much research examining magpie parenting, research comparing children living in joint physical custody arrangements (also known as shared custody) versus children living in sole joint custody arrangements may help us understand it better. In general, research shows that children benefit from having contact with both parents, therefore shared custody arrangements tend to be more beneficial for children. Shared physical custody is linked with children’s better psychological, physical, and socioemotional wellbeing as well as closer relationships with fathers (Nielsen, 2014).
But notice, that I say, ‘tend to’ and not ‘always’. A lot of how well children cope with divorce is down to the level of conflict (3) between the parents and whether they can co-parent effectively. When parents manage to have a good or at least an OK relationship, children benefit from going between one and the other. However, when the level of conflict between parents is high, it may be better for children’s mental health to live under a sole physical custody arrangement.
So, it seems that what matters for children is not so much whether their parents are nesting or whether the children themselves live between two homes, what matters is the quality of co-parenting (4).
Why Is Co-Parenting Important?
Co-parenting is not the same as the quality of the parents’ relationship. It is broader because it involves the children. Co-parenting refers to the relationship between parents that goes beyond the romantic relationship. Parents who co-parent successfully are those who cooperate, support each other, confide and trust in each other, and who experience low conflict levels related to their children.
Research shows that co-parenting quality (5) is a key factor determining mental health in children. Co-parenting is key to maintaining family well-being and high-quality relationships between family members. Regardless of whether the parents are together or divorced, children whose parents work well together to raise them, tend to be better off during early childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.
If you are in a divorce process and would like support to develop good co-parenting skills, get in touch with me. Our therapists are here to support you and your family in this process. We will have a therapist ready to work with you within 24 hours.
You can read more on divorce here.
(1) Meyer, D. R., Carlson, M. J., & Ul Alam, M. M. (2022). Increases in shared custody after divorce in the United States. Demographic Research, 46, 1137-1162.
(3) Augustijn, L. (2021). The relation between joint physical custody, interparental conflict, and children’s mental health. Journal of Family Research, 33(3), 613-636.
(4) Bergström, M., Salari, R., Hjern, A., Hognäs, R., Bergqvist, K., & Fransson, E. (2021). Importance of living arrangements and coparenting quality for young children’s mental health after parental divorce: A cross-sectional parental survey. BMJ Paediatrics Open, 5(1).
(5) Eira Nunes, C., De Roten, Y., El Ghaziri, N., Favez, N., & Darwiche, J. (2021). Co‐parenting programs: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. Family Relations, 70(3), 759-776.
Traditionally, the field of psychology talks about four parenting styles: Authoritative, authoritarian, permissive,and neglectful. More recently, other parenting styles, such as helicopter parenting, gentle parenting, attachment parenting, or free-range parenting have emerged.In this article, we are going to explain what the research says about helicopter parents and how they influence their children.
In this article, we are going to explain what the research says about helicopter parents and how they influence their children.
Are You a Helicopter Parent?
Helicopter parents (4) tend to:
- Fight their child’s battles: They involve themselves too much in their children’s lives.
- Do their child’s homework: In their quest to help their child, they may end up overstepping.
- Keep close tabs on their children: They may know or attempt to know everything about their child.
- From romantic relationships, friendships, to life at school.
- Be very concerned about safety: Parents may monitor their teenager’s phone and know where their child is at all times through their device.
- Blame others for their child’s failures: Helicopter parents may blame the teacher when the child has poor grades.
- Put a lot of pressure on their child: They tend to expect a lot from their child.
- Micromanage their child: they become involved in every aspect of their child’s life to protect them from pain and disappointment. In toddlerhood, the parent might not allow their child to be alone, through childhood they select their child’s friends and do their homework, and in adolescence they may call teachers to discuss poor grades.
What Are the Characteristics of Children Raised by Helicopter Parents?
They are more likely (5) to:
- Suffer anxiety.
- Suffer depression.
- Use prescribed medication: Children of helicopter parents are more likely to have mental health issues, and therefore they are more likely to be prescribed medication.
- Use recreational drugs: Drugs can be a coping mechanism for these children because they have not been allowed to develop effective coping mechanisms nor self-regulation.
- Feel generally worse.
- Have problems to regulate themselves.
- Have low self-efficacy: Self-efficacy refers to whether we believe we can solve our own problems. When you solve your child’s problems, you are giving them the message that they are not able to solve them on their own. At the same time, you are not letting them develop the necessary skills to solve those problems.
- Achieve poor academic results: Helicopter parents tend to reduce children’s intrinsic motivation to learn by placing more emphasis on extrinsic motivators (e.g., grades, rewards, parents’ approval).
- Develop a sense of entitlement: Because parents have always been there to help, children may get used to always having their way.
It is important to note that most studies find that teenagers and young adults raised by helicopter parents, are more likely to show some or many of these characteristics. This means that the effects of helicopter parenting could be long lasting.
However, does this mean that all children raised by helicopter parents will develop these characteristics? Not at all. I am explaining here what the research says but it does not mean that these findings apply to every single child.
Does this mean that having a helicopter parent is enough for children to develop anxiety and depression and all the other characteristics mentioned above? Probably not but we are not sure. There are many factors that explain why a child, or a teen develops these characteristics. Having a helicopter parent is a factor that it makes it more likely, but it is probably not enough on its own.
Why Is It Bad for Children to Have a Helicopter Parent?
Helicopter parents act from a place of love, but they lose perspective of their child’s needs and become too meshed with their children’s lives.
Helicopter parents tend to act from a place of fear. When parents are too controlling and protective, they are essentially sending the message to their children that they are not able to overcome and solve their own problems. They are telling them that they need help to deal with life. Helicopter parents prevent their children from developing resilience and self-confidence.
I Am a Helicopter Parent: How Can I Become More Authoritative?
- First, do not feel guilty. You are acting from a place of love.
- Know that we can change our parenting. It will not be easy but if you are ready to do the work, you will get there!
- Rather than trying to change everything at the same time, focus on changing specific behaviours.
- Gradually give your child space.
- Rather than making the decisions for your child, help them make decisions. Instead of telling them what assignment topic they have to do, discuss the options with them and let them choose (yes, even if you do not agree with it).
- Allow your child to make mistakes. This is tough, but children need to fail, so they can develop their regulation skills and become resilient. If you never let them fail, they will not be able to face the first problem they encounter and they crumble.
- Assign chores and age-appropriate responsibilities. Depending on their age, gradually start to assign them tasks. These can range from loading the dishwasher, taking out the bins, walking the dog, to making their own packed lunch and making their own way to school. You may need to teach them first how to do it, even if you think they should know how to do it (this process is called ‘scaffolding’).
- Our REC Parenting therapists can help you to become more aware of your parenting practices and help you develop strategies to become a more authoritative parent. Get in touch with me now and start working with your therapist tomorrow!
However, Research on Helicopter Parenting Is Not That Simple…
- Most of the studies on this topic are correlational. What does this mean? It means that most studies find a relationship between helicopter parenting and negative outcomes for children, such as depression and anxiety but we cannot conclude for sure that helicopter parenting causes these effects. It could also be that children who for example, show depression or anxiety symptoms, provoke their parents to behave in a ‘helicopter’ manner. The way to know if helicopter parenting really causes those symptoms or if those symptoms cause helicopter parenting is to conduct longitudinal studies. Longitudinal studies take time and are expensive to run. So far, there are only a few longitudinal studies in this area. What did they find? That helicopter parenting causes anxiety and depression. However, more research is needed so that we can confidently trust the existing research.
- Another tricky topic when examining helicopter parenting is how it is measured. Many studies ask parents to report on their parenting style. The problem with this is that parents tend to paint a ‘better’ picture of themselves and therefore their reports may not be accurate. Other studies ask the children to report on their parents’ parenting. The problem with this is that children tend to give a harsher picture of their parents. Also, their recollection may not be accurate. In general, research finds that what matters most for children’s development is not what their parents think they are doing but what the children perceive (6) their parents doing. In other words, it does not matter much if you think you are a warm and supportive parent, if your child does not perceive you as such.
- It is also important to note that most studies only examine mothers, leaving fathers ignored. This leaves us with an incomplete picture of the family dynamics involving helicopter parenting and its effects on children.
We all want to protect our child from harm, but we must remember that the best way to protect our children is not to solve all problems for them but to teach them to solve their problems. We must let them fail, so they can learn to solve and cope with their problems. Let’s prepare our children to face the road, instead of making the mistake of trying to prepare the road for our children.
Lots of love,
(1) LeMoyne, T., & Buchanan, T. (2011). Does ‘hovering’ matter? Helicopter parenting and its effect on well-being. Sociological Spectrum, 31(4), 399–418.
(2) Srivastav, D., & Mathur, M. L. (2020). Helicopter parenting and adolescent development: from the perspective of mental health. Parenting-studies by an ecocultural and transactional perspective.
(3) Kuppens, S., Ceulemans, E. Parenting Styles: A Closer Look at a Well-Known Concept. J Child Fam Stud 28, 168–181 (2019).
(4) Nelson, L. J., Padilla-Walker, L. M., & McLean, R. D. (2021). Longitudinal predictors of helicopter parenting in emerging adulthood. Emerging Adulthood, 9(3), 240-251.
(5) Vigdal JS, Brønnick KK. A Systematic Review of “Helicopter Parenting” and Its Relationship With Anxiety and Depression. Front Psychol. 2022 May 25;13:872981. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.872981. PMID: 35693486; PMCID: PMC9176408.
(6) Aznar, A., & Battams, F. (2023). Emotion regulation in emerging adults: Do parenting and parents’ own emotion regulation matter?. Journal of Adult Development, 30(2), 193-204.
Photo credit: Kenny Eliason via Unsplash
Announce that you are expecting a baby and get prepared to receive parenting advice. A lot of it. A lot of it will be unsolicited advice. Everyone has an opinion on parenting. Get ready!
You must decide which parenting advice to listen to and which to ditch. You must decide who to listen to and who to ignore. As a child psychologist and as a mum of four, here are the 12 parenting advice tips that I strongly believe that every parent should be aware of.
1. The Perfect Parent Does Not Exist
This is probably the most important parenting advice for new parents. We all come to parenting thinking that we will be the perfect parent. A mix between Mary Poppins and Maria Von Trapp. But the reality is that the perfect parent does not exist. We all fail at times even though we adore our children. The sooner we accept it, the better we will be able to cope with parenting. Instead of trying to be the perfect parent, adopt the good enough parenting approach (1). This approach was first quoted by psychologist Donald Winnicott. It means accepting that we will make mistakes and that it is OK. Do not forget that perfect parenting is the enemy of good parenting. Children do not need us to be martyrs.
2. You Will Change. Big Time!
Becoming a parent is a deeply transformative experience. Your body changes, your identity changes, your priorities change, your relationship changes… Yet there is a pressure to bounce back. To come back to our old self. And fast. But why? Why do we need to go back to our old self if we are totally different? Ditch the pressure to bounce back and instead embrace and accept this new stage of your life. This process is called ‘matrescence’ (2) and was first quoted in mid 1970s by anthropologist Dana Raphael.
3. Do Not Compare Yourself to Others
It is in our nature to compare ourselves to others. This is called social comparison (3). However, it does not mean that because it is ‘normal’, it is necessarily good for us. Social comparison for new parents can be particularly bad. If you find yourself comparing yourself to other new parents often thinking that they do it better than you, that they can cope better than you, that their children are better behaved than yours, or that their homes are better organized than yours, it is time to stop it. Try to focus on yourself and your child. Ignore everything and everyone that is not supportive. Better to ignore Instagram with all those perfectly curated images of perfect families with perfect babies in perfect homes.
4. People Rarely Say the Truth About Their Parenting
Most parents do not love every single moment of parenting (4). They love their children to bits, but they may hate playing with them, taking them to the park may feel incredibly boring, or they may find bedtime profoundly tiring. If you feel this way, it is OK. It does not make you a bad parent. It makes you a human being. Whatever you feel regarding your kids, is totally OK. What may be a problem is what you do with those feelings. Feeling anger towards your child is not a problem. What is a problem is hitting your child when you feel angry. Whatever you are going through, I can assure you that most people have experienced it. Just because people do not talk about it does not mean they are not feeling it.
5. Parent the Child You Have, Not the One You Dreamt Of
While in the process of becoming a parent, we ‘dream’ of the child we will have. Depending on your values and goals, you may dream (5) of a sporty child, an academic child or a very musical child. However, you may get a totally different child. Sometimes it can be tough to get to terms with it. Realize that your child is their own person and accept them as they are.
6. You Need Your Tribe
Parenting was never meant to be done alone. Parenting alone (6) is hard. Very hard. So many parents feel lonely these days that it seems that loneliness is an inherent part of parenthood. But this is a lie. The problem is that we have created a society that does not facilitate human relationships, and it is not supportive of parents and their children. If you are feeling lonely, try finding your tribe at the school gates, work, the park, extracurricular activities, volunteering groups or places of worship. I know it can be hard but it’s worth trying. If you want to learn more on this topic, I recommend you read “Platonic: How the Science of Attachment Can Make You Make and Keep Friends” by Dr Marisa G. Franco.
7. If Feels Slow But It Goes By Really Fast
When I was a mum of four little boys, I remember people telling me: “Make the most of it because it goes so fast”. I had moments when all I could think was: “So fast??? I wish!!!!!”. Some days felt never ending and so tedious. As the years went by, I understood that days pass reeeeeeeally slowly, but the years go by so fast. My boys are now teenagers and young adults. Whereas I love the stage we are at, I do miss so many things of those early days and years with them.
8. Be the Parent
Most parents these days want to be close to their kids. This is brilliant because we know that when children have a warm relationship with their parents, they tend to do better. But some parents are mistaking being close to their kids with being their friend. Remember that you are not your child’s friend. Your child will hopefully have many friends through their life, but they need a parent. They need you to be the parent. They need you to set up a routine, clear limits, and expectations. They need you to tell them off when they do something wrong and to guide them through life. They need you to love them unconditionally. You can be close to your child and still act as a parent.
9. Parenting Is Not a Job But a Relationship
When we talk about parenting, we often focus on the things we do: How to make our baby sleep, how to stop our children fighting, how to support our child to do well in school… But let’s not forget that above everything parenting is a relationship. A relationship between a parent and a child. The most important thing for a child’s development is to have a safe, caring, stable and loving relationship with their parent or caregiver. Let’s focus on this. This is what matters.
10. Your Job Is Not to Make Your Child Happy
Your job as a parent is to provide your child with the tools to manage any situation life throws at them. If our goal is to make our children happy, we are implicitly telling them that they can only be happy. That they are expected to be happy. That having any other emotion is not acceptable. Let’s teach our children that life is not always easy and that there will be many moments when they will not be happy and that is OK. Let’s focus on raising emotionally competent children rather than focusing on raising happy children. You can read more on this topic here.
11. The Parenting Industry Is Massive, Be Street Savvy
The parenting industry represents more than a $1 trillion market in the United States alone. This means that there are a lot of companies trying to sell you stuff. Whether you truly need it or not. From booster seats, high chairs, baby toys, strollers, playpens, and white noise machines, to baby books, sleep experts, and lactation consultants. Make sure you think carefully about the products you buy, the experts you listen to, and whose guidelines you follow. If you want to read more about this topic, you will find this article useful.
12. Knowledge Is Power
Parents often tell me: “Oh I wish I’d known that before!”. And the truth is that research shows that when parents have information about child development and parenting, they enjoy parenting more and feel more confident. So, try to learn about child development. By doing this, you will be able to understand your child better. You will be able to adjust your expectations of what your child can and cannot do depending on the developmental stage they are in. It will also allow you to make decisions that will not only impact your child but your finances. For example: ‘Do I really need a white noise machine?” or “Should I hire a lactation consultant?”. However, remember not to go overboard with it. Too much information (7) can make you feel overwhelmed and confused. Choose a few experts you trust and who share your values.
We know that being a parent is not easy. It involves a lot of emotions, planning, resources, stress, happiness, worry… And everything in between! We all want to do what is best for our children but sometimes it is difficult to know what is best and how to achieve it.
This is why I created REC Parenting. For you to ask any questions you have, knowing that we have the latest information 100% science based. Knowing that we have the best qualified experts. Knowing that whether you have the odd parenting question here and there or whether you need long-standing mental health support, we are here for you.
If you are not yet a REC Parenting member, join us. If you do not feel like paying for a subscription because you only want a session to discuss a specific issue, get in touch with me. We are here for you. With no judgement and no agenda. All the way.
Lots of love,
(1) Ramaekers, S., Suissa, J. (2012). Good Enough Parenting?. In: The Claims of Parenting. Contemporary Philosophies and Theories in Education, vol 4. Springer, Dordrecht.
(2) Orchard, E. R., Rutherford, H. J., Holmes, A. J., & Jamadar, S. D. (2023). Matrescence: lifetime impact of motherhood on cognition and the brain. Trends in cognitive sciences, 27(3), 302-316.
(3) Suls, J., Martin, R., & Wheeler, L. (2002). Social comparison: Why, with whom, and with what effect?. Current directions in psychological science, 11(5), 159-163.
(4) Featherstone, B., & Hollway, W. (Eds.). (2002). Mothering and ambivalence. Routledge.
(5) Cichy, K. E., Lefkowitz, E. S., Davis, E. M., & Fingerman, K. L. (2013). “You are such a disappointment!”: Negative emotions and parents’ perceptions of adult children’s lack of success. Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 68(6), 893-901.
(6) Nowland, R., Thomson, G., McNally, L., Smith, T., & Whittaker, K. (2021). Experiencing loneliness in parenthood: a scoping review. Perspectives in public health, 141(4), 214-225.
(7) Glatz, T., & Lippold, M. A. (2023). Is more information always better? Associations among parents’ online information searching, information overload, and self-efficacy. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 47(5), 444-453.
The term ‘adult children of emotionally immature parents’ has become really popular in the last few years. But do you know what it really means?
What Does It Mean to Be Emotionally Immature?
The American Psychological Association(1) describes emotional immaturity as “a tendency to express emotions without restraint or disproportionately to the situation”. It is the type of response you would expect from a child. In contrast, emotional maturity is defined as “a high and appropriate level of emotional control and expression”.
Why Are Some People Emotionally Immature?
There are many factors attributing to why some people grow up to be more emotionally mature than others (2). Some of these factors are:
- Our temperament: When children have a difficult temperament, their parents are more likely to be harsher with them, which may influence how they develop their emotional competence.
- Parents’ emotion talk: Parents who talk more about emotions, tend to have children who are more emotionally competent.
- Parents’ emotional expressiveness: Parents who express their emotions in an effective manner, both verbally and non-verbally, have children who tend to be more emotionally competent.
- Parents’ reactions to their children’s expression of emotions: When parents allow and encourage their children to express their emotions, their children are more likely to become more emotionally competent.
- Emotional climate in the family: Some families are warm and affectionate whereas others are cold and distant. In general, it is easier for children to develop a high level of emotional competence when they live within a warm and caring family where they feel valued, listened to, and their emotions are considered.
A Word of Caution Before We Move On
The term ‘adult children of emotionally immature parents’ comes from a book written by therapist Lindsay Gibson, PsyD. This book was published in 2015, but it has suddenly found a young and new audience. The book has recently been doing the rounds in social media and has become an Amazon bestseller in the category of parent-adult child relationships.
As a result, thousands of people in Tik Tok, Reddit, and Instagram are ‘diagnosing’ each other. They are assuming that everything that is going wrong in each other’s’ lives is because they have emotionally immature parents. However, this explanation may be too simplistic. We may end up blaming everything that is wrong in each other’s lives on our parents. It is important to be mindful not to use psychological language lightly. If you or someone you know think that you may have an emotionally immature parent, the best thing to do is to discuss it with a professional.
Keep in mind that there is no research on the topic of adult children of emotionally immature parents. The information that you are about to read is based on Dr Gibson’s book. The book is in turn, based on her clinical experience.
Who Are Emotionally Immature Parents?
Emotionally immature parents have not developed the necessary emotional skills to navigate parenthood effectively. They take care of their children’s material needs but they struggle to meet their children’s emotional needs and to truly connect with them. They show up for their kids but only in practical ways.
Signs of Emotionally Immature Parents
- Egocentrism: Egocentric parents are self-centred and put their own needs above their child’s.
- Self-absorption
- Low empathy: This means that they find it difficult to relate to the experiences, thoughts, and emotions of other people. As a result, they cannot recognize how their own emotions and behaviours impact those around them, including their children.
- Low emotional intimacy
- Lack of self-reflection: this makes them unlikely to apologize or take accountability for their actions.
- They deal with reality by denying, dismissing, or distorting whatever they dislike.
- Inconsistent or non-existent boundaries: Parents who are emotionally immature may expect their child to tell them everything and get really upset when they refuse to. They may be cold and distant. Or they may bounce between both extremes.
Some people think that emotionally immature people are narcissistic (3), but this is not the case. Some emotionally immature people may be narcissistic, but these two terms do not mean the same. Narcissistic mothers or fathers are not necessarily emotionally immature.
There Are Four Types of Emotionally Immature Parents
- Reactive: They tend to be volatile and have problems regulating their emotions. They are driven by their feelings. Their children walk on eggshells to avoid setting them off. Their children are often the ones who have to calm and stabilise their parents. Their unpredictability makes the household stressful and unpredictable.
- Passive: They may be ‘fun’ but when the child shows their vulnerability, they pull away because their vulnerability is too much for them. They ignore conflict, stress, or difficult emotions. It is easy to get along with them, but they fail to stand up for themselves or their children and they do not have open and honest conversations.
- Emotionally Absent: They act as if their child does not exist. The child might grow up thinking that they are not important.
- Critical or Driven: They are very involved in their children’s live, but they lack empathy towards them. These parents are perfectionists who often nitpick at everything their children do.
Who Are Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents?
They are those raised by parents who are not emotionally competent. These adult children tend to:
- Struggle to build healthy relationships.
- Have low self-esteem.
- Have problems trusting others.
- Have difficulties with emotional intimacy.
- Find it difficult to set boundaries (4).
- May become more mature than their parent and end up becoming the parent in the relationship. This process is called ‘parentification’.
How Do Adult Children Cope with Their Emotionally Immature Parent?
They tend to cope using two styles of coping mechanisms:
- Internalizing: They tend to think that all problems are their fault. They are likely to give a lot without asking, feel more guilty, and be more introspective.
- Externalizing: They do not to take responsibility because they believe that problems are not their fault. They do not believe that it is their duty to solve those problems. They are more likely to seek comfort from external sources such as alcohol and drugs. They expect help from others and are more likely to act impulsively.
How to Deal with an Emotionally Immature Parent as a Young Adult?
- Focus on yourself. You can decide what you do not like about your relationship with your parent and work to change it. Acknowledge that you will not be able to change your parent unless their work on themselves. Work on yourself and let go of things that you cannot change.
- Set up boundaries. If you feel that your parent is overstepping, let them know in a firm but calm manner.
- Step out of your old role. We all have roles within our family. Consider which role is yours and if you are not comfortable with it, step away from it.
- Get professional advice: A family counsellor can help you and your parent learn to relate in a more positive manner. At REC Parenting we can find the right therapist for you. Contact us here.
We should not see emotional immaturity as a character flaw. Rather we should see it as an indicator that that person did not learn the tools to manage their emotions effectively while growing up. Keeping a compassionate mindset will help your relationship with an emotionally immature parent or any other emotionally immature person who is around you.
We have more resources on this topic that you will find useful
- A masterclass by Professor Harriet Tenenbaum: Fostering Emotional Intelligence in Children: A Guide for Parents.
- An article: Fostering Emotional Intelligence in Children: A Guide for Parents
At REC Parenting we are passionate about helping parents to raise emotionally competent children. If you would like advice on this topic, get in touch with me. We are here to help you.
(1) American Paediatrics Association
(2) Aznar, A., & Tenenbaum, H.R. (2013). Spanish parents’ emotion talk and their children’s understanding of emotion. Frontiers in Developmental Psychology, 4.
(3) Miller, J. D., Lynam, D. R., Hyatt, C. S., & Campbell, W. K. (2017). Controversies in narcissism. Annual review of clinical psychology, 13(1), 291-315.
(4) Karl, K., & Peluchette, J. (2016). Breaking boundaries and leaving bad impressions: Toward understanding workplace encounters with helicopter parents. Journal of Organizational Psychology, 16(1).
Lullaby songs are quiet, repetitive, gentle songs sung to put a baby to sleep (1). Parents have sung to babies in every known historical period and culture. Evidently lullabies work, otherwise parents would have stopped singing centuries ago. Only parenting behaviours that are useful stand the test of time. Otherwise, they simply disappear.
Scientific research confirms what parents already knew: Lullabies work. Let me tell you why.
Listening to Lullaby Songs Is Good for Babies
- It helps them regulate their emotions.
- It creates a nurturing environment and helps develop a bond with their parent.
- It passes on cultural traditions.
- It helps stimulate language development.
- It helps to create a bedtime routine (2).
Many of the studies examining music and infant sleep are conducted with premature babies in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU). For example, there was a study (3) that compared three groups of babies: one group listened to Mozart, a second group listened to their mothers singing lullabies, and a third group of babies who did not listen to anything. Researchers found that babies who were sung to by their mothers slept and fed better than babies in the other two groups. Other studies show that when babies listen to lullabies their heart rate slows down and their pupils dilate.
But Why Is It Better for Babies to Listen to a Lullaby Song Than Say… Taylor Swift?
This is the question that researchers are trying to understand. Is there something specific about lullabies songs that babies find especially appealing or does something happen when a parent sings a lullaby to their baby that is special?
It seems that there is something about lullaby songs that babies find soothing. Baby lullaby songs are structurally different to other song categories. They are usually slow, soothing melodies that mimic the feeling or motion of being rocked. Researchers (4) did a study examining lullabies in different languages, including Gaelic, Mayan, and Scandinavian. They found that babies calmed down when listening to a lullaby even when they could not understand the language. This suggests that what matters is the melody, rather than the lyrics.
When parents sing a lullaby song to their babies they do it differently than when they sing other types of songs (5). When singing lullabies songs, parents use infant directed speech. This speech is characterized by high pitch, slower tempo, rhythmic patterning, and greater pauses between words. Babies like it when their caregivers use this type of speech.
Finally, when a parent sings a lullaby to their child a meaningful parent-baby connection is established (6). The baby knows that the parent is there and that they are being taken care of. Indeed, research shows that babies prefer face-to-face singing over recorded singing.
Singing Lullabies Is Also Beneficial for Parents
Singing lullaby songs is not only good for the baby but it seems to have beneficial effects for the parent too. Mothers who sing to their babies regularly have been found to experience less postpartum depression, higher wellbeing, self-esteem, and felt closer to their baby (7). It is important to note that we cannot clearly say that singing causes mothers to be happy, but there seems to be a link between mothers and singing and them feeling better. However, it could also be that mothers who feel better are more likely to sing. It seems that singing supports the mental health of new mothers (8). Music is not only beneficial for mothers. Studies show that singing is linked with better mental health, wellbeing, and quality of life across different groups of people.
What Are the Most Famous Lullabies in English?
Lullabies or White Noise? Which Is Best?
White noise is a type of broadband sound that includes all audible frequencies. Basically, it is a noise that does not have any pattern to it. White noise improves sleep for some babies, although researchers do not yet know exactly why. One theory is that it masks background noise that can disrupt sleep. White noise acts as a constant in the room (babies really like consistency) and it drowns out other noises.
There is one important thing to consider if you use a white noise machine: its volume. In 2014, the American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP) tested 14 white noise machines designed for babies and found that all of them, when at maximum level, exceeded hospital-recommended noise levels. As a result, the AAP guidelines state that noise machines should at least 200 centimetres away from the baby and the volume should never be set at maximum.
White noise machines have not been around long enough for us to really understand if they may have any negative effect. So far, they seem to be safe. Lullabies and white noise can be complementary to each other. However, unlike singing lullabies, using a white noise machine does not promote a close bond between parent and baby.
If you are a parent and would like 1-2-1 support to solve any parenting issues you may be going through, get in touch with me. We are here to help you, with no agenda, no jugdgement. With the best experts and science-based information.
(1) Oxford Dictionary
(2) Eduardo Sá and Ana Torres. The Effect of Lullabies on the Mother and on Copyright © 2019 Eduardo Sá and Ana Torres. Her Relationship with the Baby: an Exploratory Study. OA J Behavioural Sci Psych2019, 2(1): 180010.
(3) Yue W, Han X, Luo J, Zeng Z, Yang M. Effect of music therapy on preterm infants in neonatal intensive care unit: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Adv Nurs. 2021 Feb;77(2):635-652. doi: 10.1111/jan.14630. Epub 2020 Nov 17. PMID: 33200833.
(4) Hilton CB, Crowley-de Thierry L, Yan R, Martin A, Mehr SA. Children infer the behavioral contexts of unfamiliar foreign songs. J Exp Psychol Gen. 2023 Mar;152(3):839-850. doi: 10.1037/xge0001289. Epub 2022 Oct 10. PMID: 36222671; PMCID: PMC10083193.
(5) Trainor, L. J. (1996). Infant preferences for infant-directed versus noninfant-directed playsongs and lullabies. Infant Behavior & Development, 19(1), 83–92.
(6) Mehr SA & Krasnow MM Parent-o spring conflict and the evolution of infant-directed song. Evol. Hum. Behav. 38, 674–684 (2017).
(7) Baker F, Mackinlay E. Sing, soothe and sleep: A lullaby education programme for first-time mothers. Br J Music Educ. 2006 Jul;23(2):147–160.
(8) Fancourt D, Perkins R. Associations between singing to babies and symptoms of postnatal depression, wellbeing, self-esteem and mother-infant bond. Public Health. 2017 Apr;145:149-152. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2017.01.016. Epub 2017 Feb 27. PMID: 28359384.
A sleep regression is a period when sleep gets more chaotic. Babies may resist their naps, wake more during the night, or struggle with sleep in general.
But you know what? According to sleep researchers, these regressions do not exist. At least not how they are typically described. Many babies have periods when they sleep worse but there is not one single month when there is a peak in these problems. Not even at 4 months. Sleep regressions can happen to babies at different times. Or not at all.
Finding it hard to believe me because you have been hearing about sleep regressions forever? Stick with me.
Sleep regressions are not real because sleep is not a milestone that babies achieve at a specific age. Sleep researchers examine sleep development by examining markers such as how long the baby can stay asleep, and the percentage of REM sleep versus non-REM sleep. These markers develop rapidly during the first six months of a baby’s life. When a baby goes through a so-called sleep ‘regression’ those markers do not regress. Sleep may be disrupted but nothing is regressing.
You may have heard that babies experience sleep regressions at 4 months, 6 months, 8 months, 12 months, 18 months and 24 months. The four-month sleep regression is the most infamous. But it is simply not real.
Let’s Focus on the 4-Month-Old Sleep Regression: Why Do Some Babies Experience Worse Sleep Around This Age?
At this time, babies tend to go through changes in their sleep architecture, but these changes can happen anytime between the age of three and six months.
Sleep patterns are likely to change anytime between three and six months because it is when babies’ circadian rhythm(1) begins to mature, which causes their sleep cycles to change. Babies start to fully wake up while between these cycles and may need assistance falling back asleep. This often leads to more waking up at night and shorter naps.
If this is happening to your baby, it probably means that your baby is moving out of their newborn sleep cycle and starting to develop their own unique cycle. Think of it as a progression rather than as a regression. In any case, sleep ‘regression’ does not mean that anything is going backwards.
My Baby is Sleeping Worse than Before. Why?
These ‘regressions’ happen not because of sleep per se, but because of many factors that are happening in your baby’s life. These are some of the factors (2) that could explain why your baby is waking up more often:
- Learning a new skill: how to crawl, walk, roll over… All these changes may influence their sleep because they cause them to be overtired or too excited to sleep. It is not great for you, but for your baby is totally OK. What seems like a regression is a natural part of your baby’s development.
- Becoming more aware of their surroundings which may cause them to be overstimulated.
- A growth spurt.
- Separation anxiety.
- Teething.
- Hunger.
- Being sick.
- Medical issues, such as reflux. If you are worried, always talk to your doctor.
What Can I Do?
The most important thing is to maintain good sleep hygiene for your baby, so they develop healthy sleep habits from a young age.
- During the day, the baby should not sleep in the dark and the level of noise should be the ‘normal’ at your household.
- During the night, keep stimulation to a minimum. Try to limit household noise at bedtime. If you live in a noisy environment keep the windows closed and consider using noise-blocking curtains.
- Have a bedtime routine to mark the difference between day and night. This routine should be the same every day. An effective routine could look like: Having a bath, perhaps with some soothing scents like lavender or chamomile, followed by a massage. The bath warms up the body so that the blood vessels near the surface of the skin dilate to help the body cool down, and this cooling helps your baby to feel sleepy. After the bath, change your baby into a clean nappy and pyjamas, feed him, and sing a lullaby or read them a story. Try to put them in their cot when they are drowsy but still awake, kiss them and say goodnight, allowing them to fall asleep on their own. Make sure the bedroom is cool, dark, and quiet. Between 16 and 20 degrees Celsius is ideal, and too cool is better than too hot. Everyone has a slightly different temperature preference so you may need to make adjustments to find your baby’s ideal temperature. Feeling your baby’s chest or back when they are asleep should give you a good indication. They should feel warm but not clammy.
- Be flexible. Your baby’s needs are changing and therefore you may need to adjust the number or length of their naps, or their bedtime.
Remember: If your baby’s sleep is changing, it is not regressing but progressing!
If Research Finds No Evidence of Regressions, Why Do So Many Experts Talk About Them?
The sleep field is unregulated. This means that anyone can call themselves a sleep expert, a sleep coach, a sleep consultant (you name it!), and start advising families. Sleep coaches in countries like the UK, range from experienced ex-NHS staff and qualified psychologists to nannies or child-minders who have completed a two-day course.
Many of these professionals are well informed and they genuinely want to help families. But others are not. And they create problems such as regressions to then tell families that they know how to fix them and that they should hire them.
There is nothing wrong with hiring a sleep consultant if you want help. However, beware of who you hire. Before you hire anyone, check their credentials, ask about their ethical guidelines, ask to see previous clients’ opinions, and make sure their working style match with your needs and beliefs. For example, do not hire anyone who will let your baby cry if you do not want any crying. Remember that sleep training is not recommended until the baby is at least 6 months old.
Sleep Regressions Are Misunderstood. Remember That There Are a Lot of Misconceptions About Baby Sleep.
It is often said that information is power. This is especially true in the case of sleep. Here are some common misconceptions (3) or false beliefs about baby sleep:
1. The best bedtime for babies is 7 pm: You may have been told that babies must sleep from 7 pm to 7 am. This is considered the golden standard by many parents and professionals. The reality is that there is no research showing that this is best for babies. Moreover, bedtime for babies is very much influenced by culture (4) . In the UK, it is very typical for babies and children to go to bed at 7 pm whereas for example, in many Mediterranean countries, babies and children go to sleep much later.
2. All babies must sleep 12 hours: This is not the case. Some babies need 12 hours whereas others do not need as much sleep. In general, if your baby is happy, healthy, does not look tired, and their hours of sleep fall within the recommended hours, it is unlikely that they are not getting enough sleep.
3. All babies must be sleep trained: Not at all! There are many babies that are not sleep trained and that learn to sleep fine. There is no right way to get your baby to sleep. Do whatever works for your family. Some families choose to co-sleep, others choose to keep the baby in another room and go to them whenever they cry, and others choose to sleep train. There is no right or wrong answer. The most important thing when considering baby sleep is safety. As parents it’s crucial that we are aware of the guidelines to reduce the risk of accidents and of SIDS. Learn more about baby sleep safety here.
4. Babies must be taught to sleep: Babies do not need to learn how to sleep. When they are born, they are fully capable of sleeping because they have been sleeping in utero for the last few months.
If you want to learn more about baby sleep, we have four REC Parenting masterclasses you may find useful:
- What is Normal Sleep for a Baby? with Professor Helen Ball
- Sleep Safety for Babies with Professor Helen Ball
- Sleep Hygiene for Children and Adolescents with Dr Anna Joyce
- Baby Sleep: What to Do When Things Don’t Go as Planned with Dr Ayten Bilgin
- Baby Massage with Lucy Johns
Join REC Parenting today to get access to these masterclasses!
If you are considering hiring a sleep consultant, get in touch so we can recommend the one that will suit best your family’s needs.
If you have any specific questions on baby sleep, drop them here and I will answer it in the REC Parenting weekly Q&A email.
I hope you have found this information useful.
(1) Joseph, D., Chong, N. W., Shanks, M. E., Rosato, E., Taub, N. A., Petersen, S. A., … & Wailoo, M. (2015). Getting rhythm: how do babies do it?. Archives of Disease in Childhood-Fetal and Neonatal Edition, 100(1), F50-F54.
(2) Reuter, A., Silfverdal, S. A., Lindblom, K., & Hjern, A. (2020). A systematic review of prevention and treatment of infant behavioural sleep problems. Acta Paediatrica, 109(9), 1717-1732.
(3) Schreck, K. A., & Richdale, A. L. (2011). Knowledge of childhood sleep: a possible variable in under or misdiagnosis of childhood sleep problems. Journal of sleep research, 20(4), 589-597.
(4) Mindell, J. A., Sadeh, A., Kohyama, J., & How, T. H. (2010). Parental behaviors and sleep outcomes in infants and toddlers: a cross-cultural comparison. Sleep medicine, 11(4), 393-399.
As parents we come with expectations about what a ‘normal’ newborn sleep schedule look likes. Having unrealistic expectations or incorrect assumptions, may lead us to feel inadequate as parents and to feel as if we are failing (1) .
That is why in this article, we are going to give you the latest advice and research about newborn sleep. With this information, you will be better able to support your baby and better equipped to go through this stage of your parenting journey.
How Much Do Newborns Sleep?
The recommended hours of sleep for a baby between 0-3 months is between 14-17 hours. But a newborn baby may sleep anywhere between 11 and 19 hours a day.
Newborns typically do not sleep more than 4 hours at a time. Some sleep for longer stretches, whereas other sleep in short bursts. Between naps infants wake up to feed. Their stomachs are tiny, so they need frequent feeds. Many babies start sleeping through the night when they are around 3 months old. However, remember that every child is different. A recent study examining 5,700 babies in Finland (2) found that three -month-olds woke an average of 2.2 times a night. However, some babies did not wake up at all, whereas others woke as much as 15 times per night.
Newborns Do Not Know the Difference Between Day and Night
Newborns sleep or stay awake irrespective of whether it is day or night. This happens because their circadian rhythm (daily sleep cycle) is not yet established (3). This means that newborns sleep when they are tired. This is often exhausting for parents, but it is simply the way newborns ‘work’. In the same way that newborns are not yet developed to walk, sit upright or eat solids, they are not yet developed to sleep through the night.
Moreover, babies may be waking for their own protection (4). When babies are in deep sleep or ‘slow wake sleep’, they can stop breathing. Some researchers suggest that babies who die because of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), may do so because they have problems rousing out of deep sleep.
When Can I Get my Baby on a Sleep Routine?
Evidence of the circadian rhythm starts to emerge at around 2-3 months of age. Preterm babies tend to have even more irregular sleep cycles. Once your baby starts to fall into a more or less predictable sleep pattern, you can try to schedule a few naps a day and a longer sleep period at night.
Eventually, babies settle into a more structed rhythm. This rhythm can be ‘helped’ by adopting good sleep hygiene techniques.
- During the day, the baby should not sleep in the dark and the level of noise should be the ‘normal’ at your household.
- During the night, keep stimulation to a minimum. Try to limit household noise at bedtime. If you live in a noisy environment keep the windows closed and consider using noise-blocking curtains.
- Have a nighttime routine to mark the difference between day and night. This routine should be the same every day. An effective routine could look like: Having a bath, perhaps with some soothing scents like lavender or chamomile, followed by a massage. The bath warms up the body so that the blood vessels near the surface of the skin dilate to help the body cool down, and this cooling helps your baby to feel sleepy. After the bath, change your baby into a clean nappy and pyjamas, feed him, and sing a lullaby or read them a story. Try to put them in their cot when they are drowsy but still awake, kiss them and say goodnight, allowing them to fall asleep on their own. Make sure the bedroom is cool, dark, and quiet. Between 16 and 20 degrees Celsius is ideal, and too cool is better than too hot. Everyone has a slightly different temperature preference so you may need to make adjustments to find your baby’s ideal temperature. Feeling your baby’s chest or back when they are asleep should give you a good indication. They should feel warm but not clammy.
It is important that all parents and carers who look after your baby at bedtime are consistent in implementing this bedtime routine.
I know that you may try this routine and it may not work at all. Your baby may not fall asleep on their own, they may cry a lot, or may not sleep for longer than twenty minutes. The truth is that the newborn period can be tough. Try to keep in mind that this is normal, do not compare your baby with other newborns around you (it always seems that the only baby not sleeping is yours!), and remember that this period will pass. Sooner or later, your baby will sleep through the night.
I Am Exhausted and Need Help!
If you are feeling this way, you are not alone. You may choose to ask your family members or a friend to help you with the baby so you can get some sleep. This does not mean that you are weak or that you do not love your baby. It means that you are human. We need sleep to function.
You may choose to hire a sleep consultant to support you and your baby. This is also absolutely fine. One important thing to consider is that in many countries (such as the UK), sleep experts or consultants are not regulated. Basically, anyone can call themselves a sleep expert and provide advice to families.
Even accredited professionals in the health and parenting field may not have sleep expertise. For example, a survey (5) showed that 96% of American paediatricians say that one of their most important duties is to provide information about infant sleep to parents. However, only 18% have formal education in this area.
Before you hire anyone, check their credentials, ask about their ethical guidelines, ask to see previous clients’ opinions, and make sure their working style match with your needs and beliefs. For example, do not hire anyone who will let your baby cry if you do not want any crying. Remember that sleep training is not recommended until the baby is at least 6 months old.
Newborn Sleep Is Very Much Influenced by Culture
The Western world seems to be obsessed for babies to sleep on their own and through the night as soon as it safe for them to do so. However, this idea is not universal and is, historically, quite recent (6).
Different cultures have different ideas and traditions about baby sleep. For example, in the UK, parents are told that the nighttime schedule known as ‘seven to seven’ (the baby sleeps from 7 pm to 7 am) is what they should aim for. But there is no evidence that this is the best sleep schedule and in many other countries this is not the goal. This sleep schedule is quite arbitrary. If this schedule works for your family, go for it. But if it does not, you can ignore it. You are not failing as a parent, and nothing will happen if it works best for you to put your baby to bed at 8 pm rather than at 7 pm.
What is the bottom line when thinking about newborn sleep? There is not one single correct approach to how babies should sleep. As long, as your baby’s safety is your main priority, do what works best for your family.
If you want to learn more about baby sleep, we have four REC Parenting masterclasses you may find useful:
- What is Normal Sleep for a Baby? with Professor Helen Ball
- Sleep Safety for Babies with Professor Helen Ball
- Sleep Hygiene for Children and Adolescents with Dr Anna Joyce
- Baby Sleep: What to Do When Things Don’t Go as Planned with Dr Ayten Bilgin
- Baby Massage with Lucy Johns
Join REC Parenting today to get access to these masterclasses!
If you are considering hiring a sleep consultant, get in touch so we can recommend the one that will suit best your family’s needs.
If you have any specific questions on baby sleep, drop them here and I will answer it in the REC Parenting weekly Q&A email.
I hope you have found this information useful.
Dr Ana Aznar
(1) Douglas, P. S., & Hill, P. S. (2013). Behavioral sleep interventions in the first six months of life do not improve outcomes for mothers or infants: a systematic review. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 34(7), 497-507. DOI: 10.1097/DBP.0b013e31829cafa6
(2) Paavonen, E. J., Saarenpää-Heikkilä, O., Morales-Munoz, I., Virta, M., Häkälä, N., Pölkki, P., … & Karlsson, L. (2020). Normal sleep development in infants: findings from two large birth cohorts. Sleep Medicine, 69, 145-154.
(3) Kaur, S., Teoh, A. N., Shukri, N. H. M., Shafie, S. R., Bustami, N. A., Takahashi, M., … & Shibata, S. (2020). Circadian rhythm and its association with birth and infant outcomes: research protocol of a prospective cohort study. BMC pregnancy and childbirth, 20, 1-11.
(4) Vincent, A., Chu, N. T., Shah, A., Avanthika, C., Jhaveri, S., Singh, K., … & Boddu, H. (2023). Sudden infant death syndrome: risk factors and newer risk reduction strategies. Cureus, 15(6).Faruqui F, Khubchandani J, Price JH et al.: Sleep disorders in children: a national assessment of primary care pediatrician practices and perceptions. Pediatrics 2011; 128: 539–546.
(5) Barry, E. S. (2021). What is “normal” infant sleep? Why we still do not know. Psychological reports, 124(2), 651-692.
Family relations are not always easy. And with the in-laws they can be even more difficult. After all, when you get married, you get ‘thrown into’ a family that you do not know. You do not know their history or dynamics. You may not even share the same values and beliefs. And you are expected to fit in seamlessly. Very often we are unsure about how to deal with in-laws.
The reality is that families are a system (1) with many relations between the members. There are relations between the father-in-law and the daughter-in-law, the mother-in-law and the son in law, the sisters in law, and so on. Each of those relations influences the rest of the family members. When a new member arrives to a family, the whole family needs to adjust, and stress and conflict may appear.
Even though conflict with the in-laws seem to be quite prevalent in our society, there is not much research examining this topic. And most research has focused on newlywed couples. However, we know that relationships change as we get old. The relationship you have with your in-laws at the beginning of your marriage may be very different to the one you have 20 years later (2).
It is also important to note than when talking about family relations, culture (3) matters a lot. The research that I am about to explain has been conducted mostly in the Western world. These societies are mostly individualistic whereas in collectivistic cultures, family relations and traditions may be very different.
Also note that most studies in this field have examined legally married heterosexual couples. So again, be careful when extending what you are about to read to same-sex couples or to couples who live together but are not legally married.
Is it Possible to Have a Good Relationship with Your In-Laws?
It is possible. The reality is that relations with the in-laws are not all black or white. People often report these relationships as being ambivalent (4). They can be positive at times and very negative at other times.
Relationships between same gender in-laws, particularly between mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law, tend to be more difficult, than those between opposite gender in-laws. However, both men and women report having more problems with their mother-in-law (5) than with their own mother.
When a new member arrives to the family, parents-in-law have a lot to say in how they integrate within the family. When parents-in-law show them love, make them feel as part of the family, include them in family rituals, and share family stories with them, their children -in-law are more likely to feel part of that family.
In contrast, when parents-in-law create distance, when they criticize or gossip about family members, when they interfere in marital issues, or do not show their children-in-law that they care about them (6), their relationship with their children-in-law is more likely to suffer.
Why Should I Care About Having a Good Relationship with My In-Laws?
The relationship you establish with your in laws is an entirely personal decision.
However, it is important to know that when you have a bad relationship with your in-laws:
- Your own wellbeing and mental health are more likely to be negatively affected (7).
- Your marriage tends to be less stable.
- You and your partner are more likely to be dissatisfied in your marriage.
- Your partner’s own relationship with their own parents is more likely to struggle.
- Your in-laws’ access to your own children tends to be restricted and their relationship is more likely to be complicated (8).
Finally, consider that you are modelling family relationships to your child. If you have a very negative or even a toxic relationship with your in-laws, your child will grow up believing that this is how ‘normal’ and healthy family relations look like. Remember that even if you do not explicitly say to your child: “I truly dislike your grandparents”, they will notice it. Children learn more from observing us, than from we say to them. If you want your child to have healthy family relations in the future, the best way is for you to model how those relationships look like.
Most Problems with the In-Laws Appear When the Grandchildren Are Born
Most disagreements between parents-in-law and their children-in-law are about the grandchildren.
With the arrival of the first grandchild, daughters usually say that the relationship with their own mother improves whereas the relationship with their mother-in-law gets worse (9). Indeed, when daughters-in-law need parenting advice, they are much more likely to ask their own mother than their mother-in-law (10).
Daughters-in-law complain of mothers-in-law who challenge or undermine their parenting decisions. For mothers-in-law, it is tricky to find the balance between being supportive but not intrusive (11). This disagreement may appear because daughters-in-law and mothers-in-law do not share the same values.
Because mothers are more likely to be closer to their own mothers than to their mothers-in-law, grandkids are more likely to be closer to their maternal set of grandparents than to the paternal grandparents. This means that quite often, paternal grandparents spend less time with their grandchildren and paternal grandmothers feel left out of their grandchildren’s life.
Sometimes, fathers make a deliberate effort to ensure that their children are also close to their own parents, but this does not happen as frequently. This is in part because men’s relationships with their own parents are ‘wife-mediated’ (12). This means that marriage and fatherhood tend to distance sons from their own mothers. In general, husbands are gradually pulled towards their wife’s family (13).
Over time the relations between parents-in-law and their children-in-law tend to be more positive. This happens because the main source of disagreement between parents-in-law and children-in law are due to the grandchildren. As grandchildren grow, these disagreements are less frequent.
So, How to Deal with In-Laws? Six Tips to Have the Best Possible Relationship with Your In-Laws.
1. Set boundaries from the beginning.
It is always much better to set expectations and ‘rules’ from the beginning so everyone knows where they stand, than having problems because you or they do not know what the ground rules are. Remember that what is ‘normal’ for you may not be ‘normal’ for them. We have all been raised differently, with different norms and expectations, so it important to establish the ground rules from the beginning to avoid problems and misunderstandings.
2. Protect your marriage.
If you have a difficult relationship with your in-laws, your marriage may resent it. Whatever happens, do not say negative things about your in-laws to your partner. If you have a problem with them, describe the issue to your spouse without being judgmental, dismissive or disrespectful. It is not the same to say: “I am angry with your mum because she gave Lucas sweets just before dinner” than to say: “I can’t stand your mother, she is the absolute worst and I have told her a thousand times not to give Lucas sweets before dinner”.
3. Remember that one day you will (probably) be in their position.
Yes, one day your daughter in law may think of you as the monster in law or the toxic mother-in-law!
4. Be aware of the flashpoints and prepare for them.
The holidays are usually when problems within the families appear. If both set of grandparents celebrate Christmas, they both expect their families to be there. But also, with increased contact, there are more chances of problems to appear. This makes the summer, Easter, and Christmas particularly problematic. Again, discuss the ground rules at the very beginning so that everyone is on the same page.
5. Discuss the issue in a respectful manner.
It has been found that mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law have different strategies to cope with conflict. Whereas mothers prefer to talk about it, daughters prefer to ignore it (14). Avoiding the problem may make the problem worse and fuel unexpressed hostility. Even if you find it difficult, discuss the issue from a position of understanding and respect. Discussing the issue is the best way to make sure that you do not end up having a toxic relationship with your in-laws.
6. Reframe your in-laws’ intrusion as an expression of interest and love.
Most people (including your in-laws) act from a place of love. They do not want to make you angry or make your life difficult. Whenever you feel frustrated with your in-laws, think that they have acted with their best intention.
I hope you find this information useful. If you are having issues with your in-laws and would like some 1-2-1 support to learn how to manage them, get in touch with me.
(1) Rothbaum, F., Rosen, K., Ujiie, T., & Uchida, N. (2002). Family systems theory, attachment theory, and culture. Family process, 41(3), 328-350.
(2) Fowler, C., & Rittenour, C. (2017). A life-span approach to children-in-law’s perceptions of parent-in-law communication. Journal of Family Communication, 17(3), 254-272.
(3) Rothbaum, F., Rosen, K., Ujiie, T., & Uchida, N. (2002). Family systems theory, attachment theory, and culture. Family process, 41(3), 328-350.
(4) Jean Turner, M., Young, C. R., & Black, K. I. (2006). Daughters‐in‐law and mothers‐in‐law seeking their place within the family: A qualitative study of differing viewpoints. Family Relations, 55(5), 588-600.
(5) Ayers, J.D., Krems, J.A., Hess, N. et al. Mother-in-Law Daughter-in-Law Conflict: an Evolutionary Perspective and Report of Empirical Data from the USA. Evolutionary Psychological Science 8, 56–71 (2022).
(6) Rittenour, C. E., & Kellas, J. K. (2015). Making sense of hurtful mother-in-law messages: Applying attribution theory to the in-law triad. Communication Quarterly, 63(1), 62-80.
(7) Fingerman, K. L., Gilligan, M., VanderDrift, L., & Pitzer, L. (2012). In-law relationships before and after marriage: Husbands, wives, and their mothers-in-law. Research in Human Development, 9(2), 106-125.
(8) Fingerman, K. L. (2004). The role of offspring and in-laws in grandparents’ ties to their grandchildren. Journal of Family Issues, 25(8), 1026-1049.
(9) Fingerman, K. L. (2000). ” We Had a Nice Little Chat” Age and Generational Differences in Mothers’ and Daughters’ Descriptions of Enjoyable Visits. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 55(2), P95-P106.
(10) Marx, J., Miller, L. Q., & Huffmon, S. (2011). Excluding mothers-in-law: A research note on the preference for matrilineal advice. Journal of Family Issues, 32(9), 1205-1222.
(11) Fischer, L. R. (1988). The influence of kin on the transition to parenthood. Marriage & Family Review, 12(3-4), 201-219.
(12) Fischer, L. R. (1983). Mothers and mothers-in-law. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 187-192.
(13) Lee, E., Spitze, G., & Logan, J. R. (2003). Social support to parents‐in‐law: The interplay of gender and kin hierarchies. Journal of Marriage and Family, 65(2), 396-403.
(14) Marotz-Baden, R., & Cowan, D. (1987). Mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law: The effects of proximity on conflict and stress. Family Relations, 385-390.
There is a lot of noise in the parenting space. A lot of parenting experts, a lot of trends, a lot of influencers, a lot of scripts, a lot of tips, and a lot of advice. There are psychologists, coaches, experts, counsellors, and influencers… All these make it very difficult to know who to trust and what advice to follow.
Here are six useful tips you may find useful when deciding who to trust:
1. Check Experts’ Credentials:
When looking for parenting advice , trust developmental psychologists, child psychologists, clinical psychologists, educational psychologists, counsellors, and qualified coaches. If you or your child are having any kind of therapy, make sure the professional you are seeing is accredited by a regulatory body. This depends on their specific field. If you live in the UK, it is always a good idea to check that professionals are accredited by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), the UK Council of Psychotherapy (UKCP) or the Health and Care Professions Council (hcpc).
Be mindful that some areas within the parenting field are not regulated at all. For example, anyone can call themselves a sleep expert. Doulas are also unregulated.
It is also a good idea to examine experts’ work experience, awards they may receive, and accolades. It is also important that the ‘experts’ stays up to date with the latest research. Many professional organizations require refreshers courses to make sure that their members stay on top of the latest research and give you up to date advice. For example, when I had my first son 20 years ago the recommendation was for babies to sleep on their side. By the time, I had my youngest son, the recommendation had changed to babies sleeping on their backs to reduce the risk of infant sudden death syndrome. Had my paediatrician not been up to date with the latest research, I wouldn’t have known.
Make sure that the expert’s experience is relevant for the topic at hand. For example, I am a developmental psychologist, but I couldn’t advice you on issues relating to breastfeeding or weaning. Those topics are outside my scope of practice. To deal with those issues, I would refer you to a lactation consultant. Beware of people who act like they are experts on everything. The parenting field is vast, and no one knows about absolutely everything.
2. Do Not Trust Parenting Experts Who Talk in Absolutes:
Absolutes are great for clickable headlines. Absolutes make us feel safe. But it isn’t how science works. Science is complex and full of nuances. Beware of ‘experts’ who make statements such as: “Doing x will run your child’s live”, “This is what you need to make sure your child sails through school”, or “Daycare is bad”.
Now, there are a few things about parenting that we can say with 100% certainty. We can say with certainty that it is never good to hit a child, that it is very important to have a warm relationship with your child, or that all children need limits and boundaries. But more often than not, the parenting field is complex, and difficult to study. This means that for the most part we cannot talk in absolutes. Look for experts who address nuance, admit uncertainty, and use qualifiers. How does this look like? Doing this will make their claims less ‘clickable’ and ‘marketable’ but it is a sign that you can trust them.
3. Do Not Trust Parenting Experts who Base their Advice on their Own Experience:
This may not be a popular opinion but being a mother does not qualify anyone to give parenting advice. The same way that knowing how to drive does not qualify me to be a driving instructor. Being a mother qualifies you to say what worked for you. But it does not qualify anyone to give advice.
4. Do Not Get All your Parenting Advice from Social Media:
There are very good social media accounts providing great parenting advice and information, but there are also accounts providing really bad, and sometimes even dangerous, advice. A lot of advice given by influencers and content creators is not based on science, and sometimes even when it’s science-based it is not reported correctly. Make sure you are following reputable professionals and news outlets. Check their credentials, their sources, and always verify their claims.
5. Do Not Trust Parenting ‘Fear-Mongering’ Experts:
There are many parenting experts out there doing fantastic work and with a true passion to help parents. However, others use parents’ worries and fears to their advantage to sell them products that parents don’t really need. Beware of experts creating fear and worry. As parents we feel enough pressure, worry, guilt and judgement, we do not need experts to make us feel worse.
6. Do Not Lose Sight About How Much Parents Influence their Children:
We have been made to believe that as parents every single decision we make could ruin our children. This is not true. It is safe to say that our children’s long-term development will not be meaningfully affected by the educational apps they play with, the timing of potty training, and whether they are swaddled as babies or not. What matters most for our children’s development is to have a warm, loving, safe, stable, consistent relationship with their parents.
So, tune out parenting advice that does not really matter and focus on advice that helps you develop a strong bond with your child. If for example, you struggle to control your anger, or to set limits and boundaries with your children, or have trouble setting a clear routine for your children, it is definitely worth seeking advice and support. Because those things matter for your child. Agonizing over methods of weaning, or whether you should co-sleep or not, does not really make much sense because it will not make a big difference to your kids.
I hope you find this information useful. At REC Parenting we focus on giving you advice and information that matters to you and your child. We ignore advice that is simply not important because our aim is to make your life easier and not more complicated. If you are struggling with mum guilt, your mental health, setting limits, feelings of burn out… We are here for you. Get in touch here and we will set up a 1-2-1 session to discuss your needs.
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Photo credit: Nubelson Fernandes via Unsplash
Parenting is challenging. One of the most difficult challenges is how to discipline our child. Questions such as: “Am I being too strict?”, “Nothing that I do works with my child!”, or “How can I make sure that my child follows the rules?”, are common amongst parents.
We usually think of discipline in terms of punishments, but discipline is much more than that. It is about setting limits and consequences and encouraging good behaviour. The aim of discipline is for children to understand why what they did was wrong, so they do not do it again.
As children develop, the discipline strategies that we use should change to adapt to their developmental stage. However, there are five rules that apply no matter your kid’s age.
1. Discipline works best when you have a warm and loving relationship with your child (1).
2. Be a model: as parents, it is much more important what we do (2) than what we say. Think that children are constantly observing us. So, if you want your child to read, you must read. If you do not want your child to hit others, you must not hit others. If you want your child to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’, you must do it. This matters regardless of your child’s age.
3. Be consistent: Explain the rules and stick to them. If you have a co-parent, get them on board. Inconsistent discipline has been linked with children’s depression, and worse adjustment for children and teenagers.
4. Be the adult: A lot about child discipline is really about parent discipline (3). Control your anger and your reactions. If you think you are going to lose it, it is way better to leave the room and calm yourself. Come back to face the situation, once you are in control of your emotions and actions.
5. Do not use physical punishment: Most studies in this area show that corporal punishment (4) is bad for children (even smacking). A few studies have not shown negative consequences. But NO studies have shown that using physical punishment is good for children. (Read more about this topic here).
Let’s have a look now at discipline strategies to use with children at different ages.
How to Discipline Your Toddler
1. Use praise: as parents very often, we ignore good behaviour and we only focus on negative behavior. It is important that we use praise when our child behaves well. Children love for their parents to be happy with them, so the more you let them know that you like what they are doing, the more likely they are to repeat it. When you praise them, be specific. Rather than saying: “You are such a good boy”, say “Look how well you are sharing with your sister, well done!”. This way they know exactly what they are doing right and are more likely to repeat it (5).
2. Redirect them: at this stage, whenever your child is doing something that they should not do (e.g., trying to stick their finger in the socket), take them to do something else.
3. If you say ‘no’ stick to it: If you say no to them having an ice-cream but once they start whining, you give in, you are teaching them that whining works. They are more likely to do it again. Ideally, say something like: “I know you want an ice-cream, I would love one too but it’s almost lunch time so we can’t have it”, and then hope for the best!
4. Do not let them alone (6) to think about what they have done (or the naughty step): when you isolate a toddler and tell them to think about what they did, do you really think it is going to work? They do not have yet have the ability to reflect on their behaviour. They will most likely only get angrier and frustrated.
5. Do not reinforce negative behaviour: If your toddler likes to pull your hair and whenever he does it you tickle him and make him laugh, he will do it again. Why wouldn’t he? He is getting your attention and having a good laugh! Instead, with a straight face and without a fuss, take his hand and redirect him to do something else.
How to Discipline Your Child During Middle Childhood
1. Use logical consequences rather than punishments. If your child never puts the laundry in the hamper and instead leaves it on the floor, rather than punishing them without watching TV, tell them that from now on only clothes that are in the hamper will be washed. When they have no clean clothes, they will remember to use the hamper (if they don’t mind wearing dirty clothes, then you have another problem!). This way, they are being ‘punished’ and you are addressing the problem that needs to be solved.
2. Use ‘when’ and ‘then’: “When you have done your homework, then you can watch TV”. This approach tends to work well because they feel that they have some control and choice.
3. Take a coach approach: Our goal as parents is to help our children learn from their mistakes so they can do better next time. For example, if when your child hits someone, you only say “You can’t hit, that is wrong!”, you are not teaching them how to behave next time. Maybe hitting is the only tool they have. Instead, give them options for the future (7). “Hitting is wrong because you hurt the other person. I see that you are angry, what could you do next time you are in the same situation? Perhaps you could tell your friend that he made you angry?”.
4. Don’t make threats you cannot carry: “If you don’t behave well, I am leaving you by the side of the road!”, or “You are grounded for two years!”. Be realistic because ideally you want to keep your word.
5. Don’t use time out: Instead use time-in (8) (e.g., “Let’s think about how you are feeling” or time-off (e.g., “Do you want five minutes to wash your face and calm down?”).
How to Discipline Your Tween and Teenager
1. Explain, explain, explain: Teenagers must understand (9) why what they did was wrong. If you are setting up any consequences, they must see them as being fair, even if they do not agree with them. This is the best way for them to internalize the message.
2. Give them autonomy: Give them some choices and negotiate when possible. For example, if they want to be out until midnight and you prefer that they are home at 11 pm, try settling for 11.30 pm, that way no one ‘wins’.
3. Choose your timings carefully: Do not discipline your teen while you are both in a fit of rage. It is better to wait until you have both cooled down to have a conversation.
4. Do not isolate them: Peers are everything to teenagers. It is vital that teenagers feel connected to their friends and are allowed to spend time with them. Punishing a teenager without seeing their friends is usually not a good idea. Social isolation during adolescence is linked with higher risk of experiencing mental health issues (10).
5. Do not laugh at them or be sarcastic: Teenagers are defining and understanding who they are. At the same time, they are going through a period when they care a lot about others’ opinions, and they experience their emotions in a very intense way. Even if you think that they are exaggerating or acting in a dramatic way, be respectful and take them seriously.
6. Don’t escalate it: “You are horrible!”, “Look who’s talking! You are the worst!”. Even if your teenager says very nasty things to you in the heat of the moment, do not engage. You are the adult (11) in the relationship and must behave that way. If you are going to lose it, simply leave the room.
What happens when we do not get it right?
We do not always get it right! I have given you the ‘theory’, but the truth is that discipline is not easy. We all get it wrong sometimes. Because we are tired, stressed, distracted, or worried. Ideally, we want to get it right more often than not. What do we do when get it wrong? We repair our relationship with our children. We do this by reconnecting again, either by apologizing, giving them a hug, or hanging out together. Human relationships are not perfect, and the parent-child relationship is certainly not perfect.
I hope this information helps. If you want to discuss specific questions or issues you may be having with your child, do get in touch here and we can organize a 1-2-1 session.
(1) Fletcher, A. C., Walls, J. K., Cook, E. C., Madison, K. J., & Bridges, T. H. (2008). Parenting Style as a Moderator of Associations Between Maternal Disciplinary Strategies and Child Well-Being. Journal of Family Issues, 29(12), 1724-1744.
(2) Wiese, B. S., & Freund, A. M. (2011). Parents as role models: Parental behavior affects adolescents’ plans for work involvement. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 35(3), 218-224.
(3) Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J., Rudolph, J., Kerin, J., & Bohadana-Brown, G. (2022). Parent emotional regulation: A meta-analytic review of its association with parenting and child adjustment. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 46(1), 63-82.
(4) Cuartas, J., Gershoff, E.T., Bailey, D. et al. Physical punishment and child, adolescent, and adult outcomes in low- and middle-income countries: protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis. Syst Rev 11, 276 (2022).
(5) Lawrence, J., Haszard, J. J., Taylor, B., Galland, B., Gray, A., Sayers, R., … & Taylor, R. (2021). A longitudinal study of parental discipline up to 5 years. Journal of Family Studies, 27(4), 589-606.
(6) Tompkins, V., & Villaruel, E. (2020). Parent discipline and pre-schoolers’ social skills. Early Child Development and Care, 192(3), 410–424.
(7) Havighurst, S. S., & Kehoe, C. E. (2021). Tuning in to Kids: An emotion coaching approach to working with parents. Family-based intervention for child and adolescent mental health: A core competencies approach, 269-283.
(8) Dadds, M. R., & Tully, L. A. (2019). What is it to discipline a child: What should it be? A reanalysis of time-out from the perspective of child mental health, attachment, and trauma. American Psychologist, 74(7), 794–808.
(9) Thomas, K.J., Rodrigues, H., de Oliveira, R.T. et al. What Predicts Pre-adolescent Compliance with Family Rules? A Longitudinal Analysis of Parental Discipline, Procedural Justice, and Legitimacy Evaluations. J Youth Adolescence 49, 936–950 (2020).
(10) Mitic, M., Woodcock, K. A., Amering, M., Krammer, I., Stiehl, K. A., Zehetmayer, S., & Schrank, B. (2021). Toward an integrated model of supportive peer relationships in early adolescence: A systematic review and exploratory meta-analysis. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 589403.
(11) Mastrotheodoros, S., Van der Graaff, J., Deković, M. et al. Parent–Adolescent Conflict across Adolescence: Trajectories of Informant Discrepancies and Associations with Personality Types. J Youth Adolescence 49, 119–135 (2020).
Photo credit: Kenny Eliason via Unsplash
Photo credit: Raychan via Unsplash
You may have noticed that your once super-helpful little one has become a selfish teenager that fails to consider other people’s feelings and needs. If it is any consolation, you are not alone in having this feeling. Many parents feel the same. But are teenagers selfish? Keep reading!
Are All Teenagers Selfish?
Well…. yes. Research shows that teenagers are much more likely to behave in a selfish (1) way than adults. This is because the teenage years are all about individuation. Adolescence is a very self-absorbed period during which teenagers work on separating from their parents to become their own person. Because they are working on themselves so much, teenagers have little headspace to think about those around them. They spend a lot of thinking about themselves, talking about themselves, and probably taking many selfies!
When they do notice those around them, teenagers tend to notice their peers (2) over their parents. The truth is that in this process of individuation friends tend to matter for teenagers more than parents. For teenagers, their peers matter above anything else. Consider that they are preparing to leave their birth family to find their tribe. This does not mean that they do not love you anymore. They need you and they love you, only in a different role.
At What Age Do Teenagers Stop Being Selfish?
Do not despair just yet because there is hope at the end of the tunnel. Research (3) shows that teenagers are likely to become less selfish by the time they become young adults.
Why Are Teenagers Selfish? Let’s Consider How their Brain Works
The brain continues to develop until we are about 25 years old. So, a lot of your teen’s behaviour has to do with their brain not being fully developed. The ability to take others’ perspective and the understanding of other people’s minds is amongst the parts of the brain (4) that undergo most change during adolescence.
I Understand that it Is Normal for Teenagers to Be Selfish, But I Really Resent my Child. What Can I Do?
It is very easy to become resentful towards a very self-centred teenager. “I do everything for him, and he does nothing for me or anyone else!” Sounds familiar?
However, consider that when we say this, we are putting all the responsibility on the child, but the responsibility is on both the parent and the child. When a child is young, we do everything for them, and we do not ask for anything in return. We don’t, because usually younger children return the love we give them, and that is enough for us. Instead, when our child reaches adolescence, they push for independence and as parents, we may not feel their love so clearly. And we are more likely to resent them.
At the same time, when the child reaches adolescence, we automatically expect them to behave in a more responsible way. We expect them to chip in and do things for us and for others. Our expectations (5) of help from our children when they become teenagers change because they are more able to do things. As such, we believe that older teens are more obligated to help than younger children, because they are more competent.
The problem is that teenagers do not always agree with us. Whether adolescents believe that they are obligated to help depends on what we are asking them to do, how much effort it requires for them to help, and what other things need their attention in that particular moment. Because of the nature of being a teenager, they are usually more inclined to satisfy their own needs than their parents’. Particularly when they think that their parents’ needs are not that important.
So, If it Is Normal for Teenagers to Behave Selfishly: Shall I Let Them Get Away With It?
No, this does not mean that we should let them do whatever they want. We must encourage our teens to understand that it is important to help others and to participate in family life. We must make them understand that they need to think about others’ needs and wishes. It is impossible to have successful relationships if we only think about ourselves. Societies and families do not work when people only care about themselves.
How to Deal with a Selfish Teenager Without the House Becoming a Battlefield
- Have a talk with your teenager about expectations. Sometimes disagreements appear because we have not set up clear ground rules. Discuss what you expect of them and understand if they think it is fair. Teenagers are always more likely to get on board if they think that what they are being asked is fair and they understand why they are being expected to do certain things.
- If you are resenting your selfish teen, explain to them that you feel that you are living in a one-way relationship with them and that you both need to make adjustments. Tell them that you expect them to do their chores, and to be nice and respectful to everyone in the family.
- Talk to your teen about the importance of practicing mutuality. This means that relationships are not one sided. They are about giving and taking. This will help your relationship with them but also it will serve as a model for future relationships. It will not do them any good in their future relationships if they think that they are all about them.
- Do not label your teen. Saying things like” You are so selfish!” or “You never think of anyone but yourself” will not help your relationship. Do not tease them or shame them for being self-absorbed. It is just a phase in their development.
- Model empathy and prosocial behaviour: show that you care for others outside your immediate family. Donate to the food bank, help at the kids’ school, help fundraise for a charity, or keep an eye on your elderly neighbour. When you do this, you show your kids that it is important to care about others.
- Create natural consequences rather than punishments. If for example, your rule is that your teenager must put their laundry in the hamper, and they always leave it on the bedroom’s floor. Explain them that only clothes in the hamper will be washed. The next time they have nothing to wear, they will remember the rule!
- Remind your teenager to stop and think before they make a decision, especially if it will affect others. Teenagers tend to rush when making decisions, failing to take others’ perspectives into account.
- Consider how much you are doing for your teen. If you feel that you are doing too much, you may end up resenting them. Sometimes it’s ok to say ‘no’ to your child.
- Whenever possible, use humour to lighten things up.
- Keep on repeating the message. Eventually, they will internalize it. Consistency is key.
And Finally, Here Are the Answers to a Few Questions Asked by Parents of Teenagers
Why Is my 15-Year-Old So Difficult?
It is normal to have moments when you find your teenager difficult. Consider that your child is separating from you, they are figuring out who they are, and where they fit in the world. It is a lot for them to take in! They are changing and therefore we must change with them and adapt to this new phase of parenting. When our children reach adolescence, our role needs to change from being a manager to being a consultant. Consider that both you and your child are going through a period of change, and change = stress.
If you feel that your child is being difficult have a chat with them. Ask them if they are happy with the relationship they have with you. Be honest with them about how you are feeling. Honesty goes a long way with teenagers. Together you can set the ground rules to this new stage of your relationship. And finally, remember that you are the parent, and you must be the bigger person.
What Is Normal 16-Year-Old Behavior?
It is difficult to define what ‘normal’ behaviour is. Some 16-year-olds are really outgoing, loud, and confident whereas others are quiet, do not like going out and are insecure. Both behaviours are normal.
What may be more useful is to consider that if the behaviour of our teen changes, it may mean that there is something going on. If you notice changes in their eating or sleeping habits, if you notice changes in their grades, routines, in how often they see their friends, or in how they interact in social media, have a chat with them. Ask them if everything is ok or if something is worrying them. I find that a lot about raising a teenager comes down to observing them and being there. More often than not, they do not want to talk, but when they want to talk, it is important to be there otherwise we miss that window of opportunity.
How To Deal With a Teenager That Doesn’t Care?
This can be incredibly frustrating for parents! The most important thing is to keep the lines of communication open. Be there for them when they are ready to talk. If and when they want to talk, let them talk. Our main role is to listen. We may be tempted to jump in with solutions to their problems but very often, they don’ want solutions, they just want us to listen. To feel heard and seen. Not to be judged. Consider that the most powerful force to protect your teenager’s mental health is the relationship with you and other important adults in their life. Whatever your teen does or does not do, do not take it personally and try not to have extreme reactions.
If your teen does not care and does not talk to you and you are coming to your wit’s end, talk to their teachers. See how their behaviour is at school and with their friends. If teachers say that everything is going well, in all likelihood, things are going as they should. If the school shows concerns, perhaps is time to talk to a psychologist or your doctor to get some input.
To learn more about how to raise a teenager, have a look at Dr Bettina Hohnen’s masterclass on “Understanding the Teenage Brain” and Dr Tara Porter’s “How to Have Difficult Conversations with Your Teenager”.
If you would like a 1-2-1 session to discuss specific difficulties you are experiencing with your child, do get in touch here. We are here for you.
I hope you found this article helpful! Please feel free to share with anyone you think may find it helpful.
(1) Carlson, R. W., Adkins, C., Crockett, M. J., & Clark, M. S. (2022). Psychological selfishness. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 17(5), 1359-1380.
(2) Lam, C. B., McHale, S. M., & Crouter, A. C. (2014). Time with peers from middle childhood to late adolescence: developmental course and adjustment correlates. Child Development, 85, 1677–1693.
(3) Sullivan, N. J., Li, R., & Huettel, S. A. (2022). Peer presence increases the prosocial behavior of adolescents by speeding the evaluation of outcomes for others. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 6477.
(4) Blakemore, S. J. (2012). Development of the social brain in adolescence. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 105(3), 111-116.
(5) Smetana, J. G., Tasopoulos‐Chan, M., Gettman, D. C., Villalobos, M., Campione‐Barr, N., & Metzger, A. (2009). Adolescents’ and parents’ evaluations of helping versus fulfilling personal desires in family situations. Child Development, 80(1), 280-294.
Photo credits:
Zachary Nelson via Unsplash
Elliot Reyna via Unsplash
Rich Smith via Unsplash
Should children keep on doing schoolwork during the summer holidays or should they be given a break? This is not an easy question to answer. Depending on who you ask, you will most likely get different answers. Keep reading to discover if the summer slide is really a thing.
Educators who advocate for children doing work during the summer do so based on research showing that when children do nothing at all in maths and reading, they lose two to three months of learning. So, it is basically as if they ended the school year in March. This is a reasonably well-documented phenomenon called summer learning loss or summer slide.
It is important to consider that the summer slide does not impact all children equally. It seems to be worse for neurodivergent children as well as for children who don’t speak the same language at home and at school (e.g., in our case, we speak Spanish at home but my children attend a school in English). Not only may these children forget the academic material, but they may also need to refresh the language in which they are taught. Summer learning loss has also been shown to be worse for children from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.
Before you rush to buy workbooks for your child to do at the beach, however, it is important to note that other educators are not sure that summer learning loss is really a thing. This is because researchers have recently tried and failed to replicate past studies on this topic and therefore, the guidelines are not entirely clear.
So, what to do? We have carefully examined the research and our conclusion is that doing some work on maths and reading during the summer is positive for children’s learning. The key is how you approach it.
Consider that work does not have to be formal, especially in the case of the little ones. Support your child’s reading skills by taking them to the local library or bookshop. Any book, comic, or magazine they enjoy, will do. Remember that the aim is not to learn new content but to keep up their reading skills. So, if your child wants to read about a topic that you don’t consider important or ‘serious’, let them! And even better, discuss their reading with them to show you care and that you value their interests. At the same time, you will be supporting their reading comprehension.
You may also support your child’s reading skills by reading signs when in the bus or the car. Cooking together and asking them to read the recipes. Or asking them to look for certain items in the supermarket.
To support your child’s maths, add car number plates when out and about, or cook together asking them to calculate quantities. You can also give them pocket money so they need to count coins, and play board games together that involve counting.
Other educators advocate that children should not do any work and just rest and have fun over the summer. We totally agree that the summer is the time for children to relax, have fun, and engage in activities they enjoy. However, there are plenty of hours in the day to allow for some reading or do some maths activities. Having said this, summer work fails its purpose if it causes stress on kids and families. Resentment will most certainly not help your child’s learning. If engaging your child in any kind of schoolwork is damaging your relationship, it is probably best to leave it.
Whereas academic skills are very important, children’s socioemotional skills are also incredibly important, and the summer is an ideal period to practice them. Make the most of their free time by seeing friends and family, have conversations with them, and do things together. Allow your child to have free time when they can choose what to do. Remember that being bored sometimes is not a bad thing. Indeed, it can help develop their creativity!
Finally, the summer can be the perfect time to strengthen the relationship with your child without having to worry about schedules, music practice, or homework. Whatever you do this summer, have a great one! We hope that by the end of the summer your child feesl refreshed and ready to start the new academic year.
I hope you find this article helpful. For any comments or questions, drop us an email. We are here for you!
This is the time of the year when many families, be it for work or personal reasons, are preparing to move abroad. Let’s explore common issues faced by expat kids and third culture kids and strategies to deal with them.
Leaving Right Is the Key to Entering Right
When preparing your move, it is important for children to be allowed to say goodbye: to their friends, their school, their house, the city, their routine… They must be allowed to grieve.
Remember that although as parents, we hate to see our child suffer, grief is not a problem. At a time of loss and change, grief is an adaptive emotion. It’s what children are meant to be experiencing. We must allow them to deal with their grief.
1. Explain well in time that you are leaving and the reasons why. Even if they don’t agree with the move, feeling that they are part of the process will help them.
2. Let them participate in the process: Let them have a say when choosing the new house, the school, how to decorate their bedrooms. This is important because most kids feel that they have lost control over their life when they have to move. Allowing them to make some decisions (even if small) will help them regain some sense of control.
3. Don’t dismiss their grief as something unimportant. Make them feel heard and understood.
4. Don’t lie to them. Don’t promise that you will go back often to visit their friends if you know that it’s never going to happen.
5. Give them the chance to hold a good-bye party or gathering with their friends.
Once We Leave Right, How Do We Enter Right?
1. Move to your new destination before school starts. Use this time to organize the new house, explore the neighbourhood, or practice going to and from school.
2. If you have the chance, organize a few playdates with classmates so when the first day of school arrives, your child sees some familiar faces.
3. Make sure that you buy the right kit for school and if you can find out the unspoken rules (e.g., what kind of shoes kids wear, what kind of school material they use…). The more your child fits in the first few days of school, the easier it will for them to adapt. I still remember when my mum sent me to a new school aged 9, with the school uniform on but with red socks instead of green. I was mortified!
4. Keep your old routines and traditions. At a time of change, children need more than ever to have a consistent routine and structure. It gives them a sense of security and stability. Your location has changed but your family stays the same. So, if you used to have movie night on Fridays and birthday cake and candles at breakfast, keep doing it!
Next Step: Focus on Your Child’s Socioemotional Wellbeing and then on Academics
When a child moves schools, and even more, when they change cities or countries, their academic achievement may be disrupted. This is especially the case for children who move on a regular (1) basis.
Whereas this is a concern for parents, it is very important to remember that children must feel settled before they are able to focus on academics. So, focus first on your child’s emotional wellbeing and then on academics.
1. Consider that your child will probably be tired and even overwhelmed during the first few weeks of nursery or school. Think of everything they must take in and get used to: a new school, friends, teachers, social norms, routine, maybe a new language and a new education system. It’s a lot! Allow them to rest and decompress. Don’t pack too much in those first few months. Unless your child asks to do them, it may be a good idea to wait a bit before enrolling them in any extracurricular activities and clubs.
2. Talk to your child’s teacher on a regular basis until they are settled. The more aligned the family and the school are, the better for the child.
3. If you child attends an international school, it’s worth asking if they have a transition program. The whole family may find it useful.
Moving Will Be Tough for my Child but What About Me?
1. Very often when a move happens, parents (especially mothers) make sure that everyone is organized and settled to then take care of themselves. Although this is “normal”, try to get yourself sorted as well. Otherwise, you may start to struggle. Whether you enjoy going to the gym, reading, visiting museums, or whatever it is you enjoy doing, try to find time for yourself even if the situation at home is a not 100% under control.
2. Making connections is also so very important. Try to meet people at the nursery or school gates, playgroups, the school’s PTA, get involved in volunteer work, be active at your place of worship, local Facebook groups, or meet people through work. If you struggle making new friends, I highly recommend this book: “Platonic: How Understanding Your Attachment Style can Help You Make and Keep Friends” by Marisa G. Franco, PhD. It will help you understand the science behind friendship and is full of practical tips.
3. You play a key role in how your child manages the move. If you have a negative view of the move and of your new country, that will influence your child. I am not saying that you must be always happy and say that you love everything about the move. On the contrary, it is good for your child to see that you are finding some aspects of the move tough. But one thing is to find some aspects tough and something different is to constantly complain about it and have a very negative view about it. Remember that you set the emotional tone of the family.
I Know that Moving Is Difficult, But We Are Coming Home: It Should Be Easy, Right?
Moving back (2) ‘home’ (also known as re-entering) is considered a non-issue but very often it’s the move that families find harder. Why is it hard? Aren’t you coming home? Consider that for expat children, and especially for Third Culture Kids (3) (TCK; children who spent a significant part of their childhood in a country other than their passport country), what is considered ‘home’ is not ‘home’ for them. For TCKs, their passport country is just that, the country where they are legally from, but it’s not their home. This can make re-entry difficult.
Re-entering can also be difficult for adults. They usually go through a process that contains three steps:
1. Beginning: this is the exciting part. Everyone is excited about you being back and they make an effort to be around you and your family.
2. Novelty wears off: This is when the reverse cultural shock usually takes place. The excitement begins to wear off, you start to realise all the things you may not like about your country or city. Everyone goes back to their routine, and you may feel left out. Also, everyone expects you to settle back in just fine. There is not much room for you to say that you are struggling. Why would you struggle if you are finally where you belong? In general, people report that the second and third months are the toughest.
3. Stabilization: this usually happens six months after the move.
Becoming an expat with kids is challenging but it has also plenty of benefits. Your children may learn different languages, gain a very good understanding of the world, learn that we are all different, and have different perspectives. They will develop their resilience, their social skills, and they will learn to adapt and be flexible.
Expat families, especially those with TCKs often worry about their children not having a sense of belonging and struggling to develop a sense of identity (4). This is true for many TCKs. Just a note about TCKs. Very often, people misunderstand the term ‘third culture’. It doesn’t mean the combination of two cultures (the passport culture and the culture of residence to form a third). The term ‘third culture’ refers to the culture that is shared by all children who have lived a significant part of their lives outside their passport country.
If you are a parent of expat kids or third culture kids and you worry about your child’s sense of belonging and identity, remember that home is wherever the family is. Family is what gives us our sense of belonging.
If you want to learn more about this topic, we have a masterclass in our website. Also, if you are in the process of moving, about to come back ‘home’, or a long-time expat, in need of 1-2-1 support, get in touch with me. We are here to support you.
(1) Temple, J. A., & Reynolds, A. J. (1999). School mobility and achievement: Longitudinal findings from an urban cohort. Journal of School Psychology, 37(4), 355-377.
(2) Pollock, D. C., Van Reken, R. E., & Pollock, M. V. (2010). Third Culture Kids: The experience of growing up among worlds: The original, classic book on TCKs. Hachette UK.
(3) Tan, E. C., Wang, K. T., & Cottrell, A. B. (2021). A systematic review of third culture kids empirical research. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 82, 81-98.
(4) Gilbert, K. R. (2008). Loss and grief between and among cultures: The experience of third culture kids. Illness, crisis & loss, 16(2), 93-109.
June is Pride month. We would like to take the opportunity to talk about the development of children living in LGBTQ+ families.
To do this, we are lucky to have Professor Susan Golombok as a REC Parenting expert. A pioneer in the subject, Professor Golombok has been studying same-sex families since the 1970s. More recently, she has also been studying children living in trans families.
Let’s have a look at what the research says.
Children of Lesbian Mother Families
Lesbian mother families are created in two ways:
- Women who have a child with a heterosexual partner and start a lesbian relationship later on.
- Lesbian couples who have a child by donor insemination or adoption.
Forty years of research (1) have compared children of lesbian mother families, children of gay fathers, and children of heterosexual couples. Findings suggest that children raised by lesbian mothers are as well-adjusted as children of heterosexual families and gay father families.
Children of Gay Father Families
There has been little research on gay male parents.
Gay father families are created through adoption or surrogacy.
When a gay couple has a child with the help of a surrogate, the child is conceived through IVF using one father’s sperm and a donor’s egg. The resulting embryo is implanted in a surrogate woman, who carries the pregnancy but has no genetic connection to the baby. In some cases, the same woman provides the egg and carries the pregnancy to avoid the use of IVF. This is less common because the use of different women is usually encouraged. Therefore, children have two fathers (a non-genetic and a genetic) and two biological ‘mothers’ (a gestational and a genetic).
Research (2) examining children born through surrogacy to gay fathers shows that:
- Gay fathers tend to be very positive in their parenting.
- Children born through surrogacy to gay fathers do as well, and sometimes better, than children of lesbian and heterosexual couples.
Another option for gay father couples is to create a family through adoption. Adopted children of gay couples (3) tend to be as well adjusted as children of lesbian couples and children of heterosexual families.
When examining adopted children is important to keep in mind that factors such as their age when they were adopted and their living conditions before the adoption, may influence their development. In general, the sooner a child is adopted, the better. The harsher their living conditions before being adopted, the more issues they may face growing up (4).
Children of Transgender Families
This is a very new area of research and we need to be careful when interpreting the findings. The main issue is children’s experience of their parent’s transition. It is not the same for a child if their parent transitions when they are a few months old than when they are a teenager.
A study (5) conducted in the UK in 2017 asked 35 children to talk about their parents’ transition. What did the study show?
- Some children were OK with the situation, whereas for others it was challenging.
- Some children found difficult getting used to their parent’s new name and pronoun.
- Children did not like having to explain their new situation to their friends.
- Some children experienced bullying and teasing. They found tricky being out in public with their parent after they have transitioned.
- Other children were rejected by their extended family because they did not accept their parent’s transition.
The study also examined children’s development. They were no more likely than other children to show behavioural or emotional problems. Children who experienced issues were those whose parents were depressed, stressed, or lacked support.
Do Children in Same-Sex Families Grow Up to be Gay?
A question that often arises is whether children living in same-sex families will grow up to be gay or lesbian because they will identify with their parents. Evidence (6) shows that children growing up in same-sex families are not more likely to be gay than children living in heterosexual families or those living in single-parent households.
Is There Any Disadvantage to Living in a Same-Sex Family?
Yes. There is one important risk for children living in a gay family: social stigmatisation (7). Although in the Western world bullying towards children of gay couples has decreased, low-level stigmatisation is still quite common. For example, using the word ‘gay’ in a derogatory way can be upsetting and harm children.
Stigmatisation is also negative for gay parents’ parenting skills. Gay fathers who suffered more antigay prejudice had less positive parenting (8).
It is important to keep in mind that the research we have discussed has been conducted in countries where attitudes towards gay couples and same-sex marriage are more positive. The experience of children growing up in a LGBTQ+ family in countries where attitudes are still negative is likely to be more difficult. For example, the experience of a child growing up with gay fathers in Sweden cannot be compared with the experience of a child growing up with gay fathers in Abu Dhabi. Research in this area may not be universally applicable.
What is the message to take home?
Children living in same-sex families do as well (and sometimes even better) than children living in different-sex families on a wide range of health, social, emotional, and academic outcomes. Children living in trans families tend to show the same outcomes, although there is still not much research on these families.
Why might children living in same-sex families sometimes do better than children living in heterosexual families? The path to become a parent is usually more difficult for gay parents because they often must go through IVF, surrogacy, or adoption. The process is long and hard, and couples must be very determined to have a child to persevere. Consequently, researchers believe that these parents tend to be very invested in their children. They give them a lot of time, dedication, and love. These are the ingredients necessary for a child to thrive.
It seems that a child’s development has little to do with family type, parents’ gender identity or sexual orientation. What matters then? What matters is what happens within the family: Children need stable, loving, and harmonious families. Whether they are gay, transgender, or heterosexual.
If you are interested in this topic, have a look at Professor Susan Golombok’s REC Parenting Masterclass, which gives lots of useful tips and information. If you have any comments, do not hesitate to drop me an email. I love hearing from you!
(1)Stevens, M., Perry, B., Burston, A., Golombok, S., & Golding, J. (2003). Openness in lesbian-mother families regarding mother’s sexual orientation and child’s conception by donor insemination. Journal of reproductive and infant psychology, 21(4), 347-362.
(2)Golombok, S., Blake, L., Slutsky, J., Raffanello, E., Roman, G. D., & Ehrhardt, A. (2018). Parenting and the adjustment of children born to gay fathers through surrogacy. Child Development, 89(4), 1223-1233. DOI: 10.1111/cdev.12728
(3)Golombok, S., Mellish, L., Jennings, S., Casey, P., Tasker, F., & Lamb, M. E. (2014). Adoptive gay father families: Parent–child relationships and children’s psychological adjustment. Child development, 85(2), 456-468. DOI: 10.1111/cdev.12155
(4)Farr, R. H., Bruun, S. T., & Patterson, C. J. (2019). Longitudinal associations between coparenting and child adjustment among lesbian, gay, and heterosexual adoptive parent families. Developmental psychology, 55(12), 2547.
(5)Imrie, S., Zadeh, S., Wylie, K., & Golombok, S. (2020). Children with Trans Parents: Parent–Child Relationship Quality and Psychological Well-being. Parenting, 21(3), 185–215.
(6)Patterson, C. J. (2017). Parents’ sexual orientation and children’s development. Child Development Perspectives, 11(1), 45-49.
(7)Imrie, S., & Golombok, S. (2020). Impact of new family forms on parenting and child development. Annual Review of Developmental Psychology, 2, 295-316. https://doi.o
(8)Green, R. J., Rubio, R. J., Rothblum, E. D., Bergman, K., & Katuzny, K. E. (2019). Gay fathers by surrogacy: Prejudice, parenting, and well-being of female and male children. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 6(3), 269.
Photo credit: Vanessa Nunes via Istock
Tradition says that when children lose a baby tooth, they must place it underneath their pillow at bedtime. During the night, the Tooth Fairy will make an appearance, taking the tooth and replacing it with a small amount of money (1).
Where does this tradition come from?
It seems that the tooth fairy tradition originated in the 10th century amongst the Norse people in Northern Europe. Parents going on expeditions or war used to take their kids’ baby teeth for protection and blessing.
Should you encourage your child to believe in the Tooth Fairy?
Over the past few years, some practitioners and academics have raised concern about the fact that encouraging your child to believe in fantasy characters like Santa or the Tooth Fairy may bring mistrust to the parent- child relationship. However, there is no evidence (2) to support this claim.
Magical thinking is part of children’s development, especially between the ages of 3 and 8. During this period, many children have an imaginary friend and believe in monsters, unicorns and flying carpets. Children use magic to explain events that they may not understand, and many believe that simply wishing may cause supernatural events to happen. They believe in the existence of popular fantasy figures like the Easter Bunny, Santa and the Tooth Fairy. Blurring the lines between reality (3) and fantasy is part of childhood.
It is not only that children believe in these magical things and events, but our culture encourages their fantastic thinking. Parents encourage their children’s beliefs when they leave carrots for Santa’s reindeers, make a wish when blowing birthday candles, or leave a light on to scare monsters away.
Is it good or bad for my child to believe in the Tooth Fairy?
It is neither good nor bad. If it is a tradition that you and your family enjoy, go for it!
Some parents use the Tooth Fairy to promote dental hygiene. They tell their children that the cleaner and healthier the tooth, the more money they will receive. Or that if the tooth is not clean and healthy, the Tooth Fairy may not come.
Other parents use the tale of the Tooth Fairy to help their child understand physical changes and overcome the fear of losing a tooth.
When and how do children discover the truth?
Children usually discover the truth between the ages of 7 or 8. It’s around this time that they will also realize the truth about Santa and the Easter Bunny.
There is not much research examining children’s beliefs around the Tooth Fairy, but we can rely on the research on Santa (4). This research tells us that children usually learn the truth on their own, from their parents, or from a combination of both. Children usually suspect the truth before they start to ask questions about it. So, if your child starts asking about the Tooth Fairy, find out what they know exactly, before telling them the truth straight away.
How much does the Tooth Fairy pay?
Children get different amounts depending on the country they live in, their family’s socio-economic status, and how much money their friends receive. The Tooth Fairy tends to be more generous (5) with the first tooth than with any future teeth.
The amount that children get has increased over the years, in line with inflation. However, it seems that the Tooth Fairy also feels our pain (6) and she paid less per teeth in 2023 than in 2018. In 2024 American (7) children are receiving $5.84 per milk tooth. In 2023, children in the UK (8) received £1.80 per milk tooth. The Tooth Fairy is clearly on top of things, as she knows that life in London is more expensive, and so is a bit more generous with London children, giving them £2.30 per tooth.
Considering that children have 20 baby teeth, you can calculate how much it is going to cost you depending on where you live!
What if the Tooth Fairy forgets to pay a visit?
If this has happened to you, don’t feel bad, you are not alone! According to a recent survey (9), this has happened to more than 56% of parents in the US.
What to do? Blame your child: “I don’t think you’ve looked hard enough” while at the same time, throwing some coins under the bed, in the pillowcase, or wherever you manage!
Does the Tooth Fairy exist in all cultures?
In Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries, instead of the Tooth Fairy, they have a mouse called Perez (el Ratoncito Pérez). The Perez Mouse first appeared in Spain in 1894 in a tale written for King Alfonso XIII (10), when he lost a milk tooth at the age of eight. His mother, Queen María Cristina commissioned this tale to help him endure losing his first tooth.
The idea of the mouse is quite popular. In Italy, they also have a mouse called Toppolino whereas in France, the mouse is called La Petite Souris.
If we look at Asia, in some countries, the tradition involves children throwing the tooth into the air. In Japan, they throw the upper teeth down to the ground and the lower tooth up into the air. The idea is that the new teeth will grow straight.
In Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, and Sudan, the tradition is to throw the baby tooth up unto the sky to Allah or the sun. It is thought that this tradition (11) dates back to the 13th century.
Five Fun Facts About the Tooth Fairy
- It is estimated that she collects around 300,000 teeth every night.
- Most people (75%) believe that the Tooth Fairy is a female, while the rest believe is a male or an animal.
- In the US Tooth Fairy Day is celebrated twice every year, on the 28th February and the 22nd August. This is because the American Dental Association recommends that people get their teeth cleaned every six months.
- The Tooth Fairy has her own movie starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.
- There are a few Tooth Fairy apps. One allows your child can now make unlimited phone calls to the Tooth Fairy. Another one helps you to show proof that the Tooth Fairy was really in your child’s bedroom.
Much love,
- Toumba, K.J. The legend of the “tooth fairy”. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent 14, 277–278 (2013).
- Mills, C. M., Goldstein, T. R., Kanumuru, P., Monroe, A. J., & Quintero, N. B. (2024). Debunking the Santa myth: The process and aftermath of becoming skeptical about Santa.Developmental Psychology, 60(1), 1–16.
- Principe, G. F., & Smith, E. (2008). The tooth, the whole tooth and nothing but the tooth: How belief in the tooth fairy can engender false memories. Applied Cognitive Psychology: The Official Journal of the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 22(5), 625-642.
- Goldstein, T. R., & Woolley, J. (2016). Ho! Ho! Who? Parent promotion of belief in and live encounters with Santa Claus. Cognitive Development, 39, 113-127
- Krebs A, Thomas RM. Tooth Fairy keeping up with inflation. New York Times, 23 June 1981. keeping-up-with-inflation.html
- Visa Inc. Survey: tooth fairy fluttering down to earth. Tooth Fairy leaving $3.19, down 24 cents per tooth [webpage]. Visa. July 2015. Inc-Survey-Tooth-Fairy-Fluttering-Down-To-Earth/default.aspx
- Sadurní, J. M. (7 May 2019). “Luis Coloma and Ratoncito Pérez, the tale that born as a gift for a Queen”. National Geographic
- Al Hamdani, Muwaffak; Wenzel, Marian (1966). “The Worm in the Tooth”. Folklore. 77 (1): 60–64. doi:10.1080/0015587X.1966.9717030. JSTOR 1258921.
Leaving babies to cry it out has been a controversial topic amongst researchers, practitioners, and parents for a very long time.
I know that this is a very emotive topic. Before we continue, let me tell you that my goal here is to explain the scientific evidence on the “Cry It Out” method so you can decide what to do. I am not addressing personal experiences or judging anyone.
What Is the Cry It Out Method?
The Cry It Out Method (CIO) is a sleep training technique (1) (also known as sleep learning or sleep teaching). The reason to sleep train is to teach babies to fall sleep on their own and stay asleep.
The Cry It Out method refers to any type of technique that involves leaving a baby to cry until they fall sleep on their own. If the baby wakes during the night parents leave them to cry as well.
There are three variations of the Cry It Out method:
- The Extinction method (also known as Unmodified Extinction): The parent leaves the room and does not come back, no matter how long the baby cries for. This method assumes that parents reinforce their child’s crying during the night by responding to it. Parents are required to put their child to sleep and leave them until a pre-determined time in the morning (e.g., 7 am), no matter how much they cry. Many parents (especially those doing it alone) report finding this method extremely stressful (2) therefore gentler methods of extinction have been developed.
- The Graduated Extinction method (also known as Controlled Crying, Check and Console, or the Ferber Method): The parent leaves the room and comes in to check on the baby at increasingly pre-determined lengthy intervals (e.g., 1 min, then 2 min, then 3 min, then 15 minutes up to a maximum number of minutes). Visits are short and aimed to encourage the baby to self-soothe. This strategy is usually more acceptable to parents. It has been linked with mothers (3) reporting lower levels of stress and better mood.
- The Extinction with Parental Presence method (also known as Camping Out, the Chair Method, or the Fading Method): This is similar to Graduated Extinction, but the parent stays in the room instead of leaving. This method assumes that the presence (4) of the parent helps the baby to self-soothe. Each night the parents moves further away from the baby until they can leave the room leaving the baby settled.
A very important note: Babies should not be sleep trained, using the Cry It Out Method or any other methods before the age of 6 months (5). Prior to 6 months, babies are not prepared to sleep for long stretches and therefore it doesn’t make sense to sleep train them. For sleep training to work, the baby must be able to self-soothe.
You may have to wait longer if your baby was born prematurely, with low weight, or with health issues. It is always recommended to talk to your doctor before trying any type of sleep training method.
Sleep training also implies that the baby is sleeping on their own, which ideally, they shouldn’t do before 6 months because it increases the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) (6).
This doesn’t mean that you must sleep train at 6 months. You can start later, or never!
Does the Cry It Out Method Work?
Evidence suggests that all three variations of the Cry It Out method work. Babies who have been sleep trained tend to sleep better than babies who have not been trained this way. These effects are still evident six months later (7).
It is, however, important to keep one thing in mind. The aim of the Cry It Out method is to teach the baby to self-soothe. While research shows that babies who are slept trained tend to sleep better, there is no way of knowing if the baby stops crying because they have learnt to self-soothe, they have learnt that no one will come to console them, or because they get tired of crying.
Will the Cry It Out Method Hurt my Baby?
Many parents and some researchers worry about the potential damage that letting a baby cry may create. Some researchers (8) are concerned that letting babies cry may cause stress in the infant, be negative for the parent-child attachment, and have a negative effect on the infant’s emotional and mental health.
To date studies have not found that crying increases infants’ cortisol (9) levels, creates emotional or behavioural issues (10), damages the parent-child attachment (11), nor that it has any short-term or long-term negative effects for the baby (12).
Some studies suggest that the Cry It Out method does not decrease baby crying, or prevent sleep problems in later childhood. It is not entirely clear whether it protects mothers against depression (13). Although it makes sense to assume that when a baby sleeps well, the mother will feel better.
It is important to note that there are not that many high-quality studies examining the impact of the Cry It Out Method on children. While it’s true that no study has found that letting a baby cry it out has negative effects, at the same time we cannot 100% say that leaving a baby to cry it out is entirely safe for every single child.
How Long Does the Cry It Out Method Take?
It depends. Some children may take a couple of days and others may take weeks. Most strategies take a week or longer to work. They key to make it work is consistency.
Do I Need to Sleep Train my Baby?
Not at all! There are many babies that are not sleep trained and that learn to sleep fine. There is not right way to get your baby to sleep. Do whatever works for your family. Some families choose to co-sleep, others choose to keep the baby in another room and go to them whenever they cry, and others choose to sleep train. There is no right or wrong answer.
The most important thing when considering baby sleep is safety. As parents it’s crucial that we are aware of the guidelines to reduce the risk of accidents and of SIDS. The main guidelines for babies under the age of 6 months are:
- Babies must always sleep on their backs, on a flat surface with no soft items around them.
- If you choose to co-sleep, make sure the baby cannot fall or suffocate and don’t allow other children or pets in the bed.
- Do not share a bed if you have been smoking, taken drugs or consumed alcohol.
- Never sleep with a baby on a sofa or armchair.
Are There Any Other Sleep Training Techniques?
Yes. They all have pros and cons. Some of these techniques are the No Tears method, the Fading Method, or the Pick-up/Put-down method. These methods are considered gentler than then Cry it Out methods.
All Sleep Training Techniques Have Something in Common…
- A structured and consistent bedtime routine: no matter if you sleep train your baby or not, a clear bedtime routine is key to help your baby sleep. Everyday your baby should go through the same routine. A good routine looks like this (or similar): bath, dinner, brushing their teeth, relaxing time, and bed.
- This bedtime routine must happen every day at the same time.
My Baby Does Not Sleep No Matter What I Do. Should I Hire a Sleep Consultant?
This is entirely up to you. One important thing to consider is that in many countries (such as the UK), sleep experts or consultants are not regulated. Basically, anyone can consider themselves a sleep expert and provide advice to families. Before you hire anyone, check their credentials, ask about their ethical guidelines, ask to see previous clients’ opinions, and make sure their working style match with your needs and beliefs. For example, don’t hire anyone who will let your baby cry if you don’t want any crying.
When We Consider Baby Sleep, It’s Important to Consider Cultural Influences
There are important cultural differences regarding baby sleep. In some cultures, babies always co-sleep with their parents and even with their siblings, whereas others encourage independent sleep. In general, parents resort to sleep training when they consider that their child has a sleep problem. The most common problems are bedtime resistance, co-sleeping, and night-time awakenings. However, these behaviours are only considered problematic in the Western world (12).
What Is the Take-Home Message?
In this article we have explained the latest scientific evidence on the cry it out method. Now that you have the information, it is up to you to decide what you want to do. Whatever you do, don’t feel guilty and ignore other people’s judgments. You are not a better or worse parent whether you co-sleep with your baby or sleep train them.
If You Want to Learn More About Baby Sleep, We Have Three REC Parenting Masterclasses Discussing…
- What is Normal Sleep for a Baby? with Professor Helen Ball
- Sleep Safety for Babies with Professor Helen Ball
- Baby Sleep: What to Do When Things Don’t Go as Planned with Dr Ayten Bilgin
Join REC Parenting today to get access to these masterclasses!
If you are considering hiring a sleep coach, get in touch so we can recommend the one that will suit best your family’s needs.
If you have any specific questions on baby sleep, drop them here and I will answer it in the REC Parenting weekly Q&A email.
I hope you have found this information useful.
Much love,
(1) Rosier, J. G., & Cassels, T. (2021). From “Crying Expands the Lungs” to “You’re Going to Spoil That Baby”: How the Cry-It-Out Method Became Authoritative Knowledge. Journal of Family Issues, 42(7), 1516-1535.
(2) Etherton, H., Blunden, S., & Hauck, Y. (2016). Discussion of extinction-based behavioral sleep interventions for young children and reasons why parents may find them difficult. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 12(11), 1535-1543.
(3) Hall, W.A., Hutton, E., Brant, R.F. et al. (2015). A randomised controlled trial of an intervention for infants’ behavioural sleep problems. BMC Pediatr 15, 181.
(4) Michal Kahn, Michal Juda-Hanael, Efrat Livne-Karp, Liat Tikotzky, Thomas F Anders, Avi Sadeh, Behavioral interventions for pediatric insomnia: one treatment may not fit all, Sleep, Volume 43, Issue 4, April 2020, zsz268,
(5) Whittall, H., Kahn, M., Pillion, M., & Gradisar, M. (2021). Parents matter: barriers and solutions when implementing behavioural sleep interventions for infant sleep problems. Sleep Medicine, 84, 244-252.
(6) Ball, H. L., & Volpe, L. E. (2013). Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) risk reduction and infant sleep location–Moving the discussion forward. Social science & medicine, 79, 84-91.
(7) Bilgin, A., & Wolke, D. (2020). Parental use of ‘cry it out’in infants: no adverse effects on attachment and behavioural development at 18 months. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 61(11), 1184-1193.
(8) Blunden, S. L., Thompson, K. R., & Dawson, D. (2011). Behavioural sleep treatments and nighttime crying in infants: challenging the status quo. Sleep medicine reviews, 15(5), 327-334.
(9) Gradisar, M., Jackson, K., Spurrier, N. J., Gibson, J., Whitham, J., Williams, A. S., … & Kennaway, D. J. (2016). Behavioral interventions for infant sleep problems: a randomized controlled trial. Pediatrics, 137(6).
(10) Price, A. M., Wake, M., Ukoumunne, O. C., & Hiscock, H. (2012). Five-year follow-up of harms and benefits of behavioral infant sleep intervention: randomized trial. Pediatrics, 130(4), 643-651.
(11) Akdoğan, G. Y. (2018). To intervene or not to intervene: effects of behavioural sleep interventions on infant attachment quality.
(12) Jenni, O. G., & Werner, H. (2011). Cultural issues in children’s sleep: a model for clinical practice. Pediatric Clinics, 58(3), 755-763.
Rewards systems are used to encourage good behaviour in toddlers, children, and teenagers, or to help them acquire a new skill (e.g., using the potty). Ultimately, rewards systems aim to boost children’s motivation. The question is: Do they work?
Google “sticker chart” and you will find yourself looking at over 148,000,000 hits. The market for this rewards-based training system is huge. Using a reward system for kids has become the go-to for many parents and teachers. However, research is not entirely clear on whether using reward systems is a good idea. Even more, there is some research suggesting that using rewards may be detrimental because it does not promote intrinsic motivation (1).
There are two types of motivation (2). Intrinsic motivation is doing an activity because of the satisfaction it brings you, rather than for an external reward. For example, reading a book because you are interested in its story, or learning to ride a bike because of the sense of achievement.
In contrast, extrinsic motivation is pursuing an activity for an external reward, such as a material item or someone’s praise. For example, sharing with friends in exchange for more screen time or sweets.
Ideally, we want our children to be intrinsically motivated.
Why do parents use reward charts?
The most common reason that parents turn to rewards charts is to encourage good behavior or when they are in the throes of skill acquisition, such as potty learning. The problem is that while a sticker may work initially, at some point a child may say “I don’t care about a sticker”. This leaves parents with two choices: abandon and face the possibility of regression or offer bigger and better rewards. With something like toileting, the reward is not sitting in a wet or dirty nappy, the reward is learning to listen to your body and become autonomous and independent.
As a parent, I absolutely wanted to blow a trumpet when my son successfully used a potty but instead forced myself to simply say “What do you think?” “Good!” he replied to which I said something like “I always feel better when I’ve been to the loo too.” My desire for him to be intrinsically motivated underpins many of my parenting choices.
The issue with reward systems is that they only motivate children to get rewards. This may result in a reward culture that may lead children to respond to any request with “What’s in it for me?” If we zoom forward to having teenagers, how are we going to motivate them not to smoke? Buy them a car?
Why do schools use rewards systems?
Many schools use these systems. Stickers, point systems, stars of the day, or a rather sinister system or moving children from clouds up over rainbows or down into dark clouds, are common in many schools.
The problem with these systems is that they deal with the symptoms, but not the cause. If a child is not able to sit still because they are inmature, neurodivergent, or undiagnosed, they are never going to reach their teacher’s goal. No matter what reward is offered.
These children’s behaviour may become worse if they realise “If I can’t ever move over the rainbow, I may as well just sit in my dark cloud.” They may end up suppressing their inherent traits or feelings because they are not reward-worthy behaviors.
When we look to motivate our children to learn, some research shows that if an initial interest is there, adding external rewards reduces motivation. This is called the overjustification phenomenon (3).
In contrast, verbal feedback (4) increases motivation, but it must go beyond simply saying “Good job!”. Being specific in praising the effort and not the outcome or abilities leads to more resilient children who are better able to overcome obstacles. For example, saying “You’re so clever!” implies it is an inherent trait. Children labelled as clever tend to give up more easily when they inevitably face a challenge. However praising efforts with detail like “You concentrated so hard on that picture, look how carefully you chose your colours!” makes children feel seen and validated for their effort, motivating them to persist.
If using rewards charts is not ideal, what do we do instead? Here are seven strategies to promote your child’s intrinsic motivation and good behaviour.
- Support autonomy
When we have a relationship based on “If you do x, I’ll give you y” we are creating a hierarchy which disempowers your child. Instead encourage their curiosity and exploration so that they have a sense of agency (5). We have moved beyond the time of “Because I said so” being a good enough response. It’s time now to explain why with respect.
2. Encourage a positive mindset
We have a negativity bias (6) which means we need to hear 5 good things to counterbalance every 1 negative thing we hear. If your child is calamitous in their outlook, start a practice of ending negative sentences with “But luckily…”. For example, if your child complains that “I didn’t have enough time to finish playing”, you can add “But luckily you have lovely friends who you’ll see again tomorrow!”
3. Encourage a growth mindset
Children find learning frustrating, when we jump in to save them, we send the message that they should avoid these feelings instead of accepting that they are part of the human experience (7). If your child gets frustrated trying to draw a circle, don’t jump in and draw it for them. Instead, say “What you’re feeling is exactly right, it is frustrating. Just because you can’t do it YET, doesn’t mean you won’t ever get it. You can do hard things.”
4. Be specific with praise
Focus on praising (8) the effort and not the outcome. Children feel seen when we acknowledge their journey and reflect on the details. Instead of “Wow, well done!” try “You have been concentrating for ages and even when it didn’t go as you’d expected, you kept trying.”
5. Avoid labels
Labelling (9) a child as artistic may prevent them exploring their sporty side. Labelling a child as lazy may mean you will do more for them and inhibit their acquisition of new skills. Labelling a child as smart may mean they will not realise that at some point they will have to work to achieve a goal. Nothing about your child is fixed: Stay open, and curious to see how they develop in the future.
6. Set small goals
We are all guilty of failing to notice our small successes. If your child is trying to master something, share your observations of the progress they are making. Encourage them to notice by asking what they think of their achievements.
7. Mental time travel
When things get tough it can help to travel into the future (10). If your child can’t ride their bike yet, ask them if they think they still won’t be able to, when they’re two years older, a teenager or grown-up. Time + practice = success. Children don’t naturally think far ahead so you may need to remind them that you have decades of practice under your belt!
Final message
I hope you’re not disappointed that these suggestions aren’t a quick fix. Parenting is a long-term investment and that means planting seeds and laying foundations. Children’s brains are immature and no matter how many stickers you offer, they may not be able to do what you’re asking. So, who’s binning the sticker chart?
Zara Kadir
About the author
Zara Kadir is a child, adolescent, adult and family psychotherapist specialising in pre-school to primary aged children. She works 1-2-1 with clients using art and play therapy. Additionally, she supports and guides parents through the most common behavioural issues faced with an intentional parenting model at its core. She focuses on the idea that if you change your behaviour towards your child, your child’s behaviour will change. Her hope is to empower parents with the information they need to make considered decisions in how they respond and nurture their children.
Zara holds a MA in Counselling & Psychotherapy and MA in Child, Adolescent & Family Psychotherapy
She is registered and accredited by the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)
You can find Zara in her super popular IG account @the.therapy.shed
(1) Deci, E. L., Ryan, R. M., & Koestner, R. (2001). The Pervasive Negative Effects of Rewards on Intrinsic Motivation: Response to. Review of Educational Research, 71(1), 43-51.
(2) Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2000). Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations: Classic definitions and new directions. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 25 (1), 54-67.
(3) Deci, E.L. (1971). Effects of externally mediated rewards on intrinsic motivation. Journl of Personality and Social Psychology, 18(1), 105-115.
(4) Henderlong, J., & Lepper, M. R. (2002). The effects of praise on children’s intrinsic motivation: A review and synthesis. Psychological Bulletin, 128(5), 774–795.
(5) Joussemet, M., Koestner, R., Lekes, N., & Houlfort, N. (2003). Introducing uninteresting tasks to children: A comparison of tge effects oif rewards and autonomy and support. Journal of Personality, 72(1), 139-166.
(6) Kiken, L. G., & Shook, N. J. (2011). Looking up: Mindfulness increases positive judgments and reduces negativity bias. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2(4), 425-431.
(7) Yeager, D. S., & Dweck, C. S. (2020). What can be learned from growth mindset controversies?. American psychologist, 75(9), 1269.
(8) Senn, L. P., Bayles, M. W., & Bruzek, J. L. (2020). An evaluation of praise as a reinforcer for preschoolers’ behavior. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 53(1), 315-330.
(9) Taylor, L. M., Hume, I. R., & Welsh, N. (2010). Labelling and self‐esteem: the impact of using specific vs. generic labels. Educational Psychology, 30(2), 191-202.
(10) Payne, G., Taylor, R., Hayne, H., & Scarf, D. (2015). Mental time travel for self and other in three- and four-year-old children. Memory, 23(5), 675–682.
How to Teach Your Baby Sign Language: 10 Most Used Baby Signs
Baby sign language is a set of hand gestures and movements (known as signs) used by parents and babies to refer to common words(1). It’s a tool to improve communication between parents and babies who can hear but cannot yet talk. Babies usually stop signing once they can speak.
Some baby signs are the same as those in the American Sign Language (ASL) or the British Sign Language (BSL) whereas others are different. The ASL and the BSL are technical sign languages used by the deaf community with complex grammar and sentence structure. In contrast, baby sign language is a simpler version that uses hand gestures for specific words(2).
Academics suggested that the use of baby sign language could be beneficial for families around 200 years ago. It was only in the 2000s that baby sign language became popular amongst families.
Since then, books, video, classes, websites, apps, and programs have claimed that using baby sign language improves language development, cognitive development, parent-child bonding, and reduces tantrums, and frustrations(3).
In 2011 the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) announced that baby sign language helps parents and babies to communicate more effectively.
However, despite these claims and endorsements there is little scientific evidence examining baby sign language. Let’s have a look at the research.
Is It Beneficial for Babies to Learn Sign Language?
It is not clear. There are not many scientific studies examining sign language and the quality of the ones we have is not great(4).
Some studies found that using sign language is good for children whereas others find no benefits. Even the studies that found that signing helps babies develop their language skills, concluded that these benefits disappeared by the time children turned three(5). This means that even if signing improves language development, the benefit is short-term only.
With the evidence that we have so far, we cannot conclude that baby sign language helps promote language development, cognitive skills, or literacy. Nor we can conclude that it helps improve parent-child interactions nor parents’ responsiveness towards their children(6).
Does it Harm to Use Baby Sign Language?
No. There is no evidence suggesting that baby sign interferes with child development.
You may have heard that signing may delay language development and verbal communication, but it doesn’t look like it.
I Want to Give It a Go: When and How Do I Start?
- Start early but know that it will take time for your baby to start signing: A good moment to start teaching your baby sign language is between the ages of four to six months. Your baby won’t be able to make the signs until they are least nine months or a little later. Remember that every baby is different, so don’t despair if other babies around you seem to be learning at a faster pace.
- Similarly, to what happens when they learn to speak, at the beginning your baby will understand much more than they can sign.
- Start with a few signs only. Once your baby has learned them, slowly introduce more. Stick to those initial signs even if your baby doesn’t seem to be learning it. Don’t be tempted to try other signs. Once they have learned 4 o 5 signs, you can introduce another 4 or 5.
- Focus on teaching practical, everyday signs. The AAP recommends parents to focus on signs for the things your baby sees, wants, or does most often.
- Make it fun, use rewards and praise.
- Always pair signs with spoken language. Start by saying the word (for example ‘mama’), while making ‘mama’ in sign language, and pointing to her.
- Do the signs in context. For example, sign the word ‘milk’ before, during, and after feeding.
- Repetition and consistency are key. Sign every time you say the word, at the same that you say the word.
- Involve family members. The more your baby sees the signs, the better they will learn them.
- You may learn the signs by reading books, signing up to apps or websites, or you can attend a baby sign class.
Baby Sign Chart: The 10 Most Useful Signs
Is Baby Sign Language the Same as Makaton?
Both baby sign language and Makaton use signs and gestures to help communication but they serve different communities. Makaton is used by hearing people with learning or communication difficulties. Baby sign language is used by hearing parents and their pre-verbal hearing infants.
What Is the Take-Home Message?
It is not clear that sign language helps children’s development in any way. At the same time, there is no evidence suggesting that it is negative for children.
However, given that there is a big market for it, beware of companies and professionals that may be over-selling the benefits of baby sign. Some websites make false claims about the benefits of baby signing, whereas others provide a false overview of the research by only citing the studies that support their commercial interests.
There is no evidence that teaching your baby to sign will raise dramatically their IQ or that they will get top grades at school. If you find that it’s a fun thing to do with your baby and it helps you to communicate with them, go for it! If you don’t see the point, or it’s another thing to add to your to do list, you can happily forget about it.
Finally, remember an important message: If you try and fail to sign with your baby, it doesn’t mean that there is something wrong with them. Maybe and simply, they are just not into it.
Reference list
(1)Mueller, V., Sepulveda, A., & Rodriguez, S. (2014). The effects of baby sign training on child development. Early Child Development and Care, 184(8), 1178-1191.
(2)Howard, L. E., & Doherty-Sneddon, G. (2014). How HANDy are baby signs? A commentary on a systematic review of the impact of gestural communication on typically developing, hearing infants under the age of 36 months. First Language, 34(6), 510-515.
(3)Nelson, L. H., White, K. R., & Grewe, J. (2012). Evidence for website claims about the benefits of teaching sign language to infants and toddlers with normal hearing. Infant and Child Development, 21(5), 474-502.
(4)Doherty-Sneddon, G. (2008). The great baby signing debate: Academia meets public interest. The Psychologist, 21(4), 300-303.
(5)Goodwyn, S.W., Acredolo, L.P. & Brown, C.A. Impact of Symbolic Gesturing on Early Language Development. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 24, 81–103 (2000).
(6) Fitzpatrick, E. M., Thibert, J., Grandpierre, V., & Johnston, J. C. (2014). How HANDy are baby signs? A systematic review of the impact of gestural communication on typically developing, hearing infants under the age of 36 months. First Language, 34(6), 486-509.
Psychologists Baumrind, Maccoby and Martin quoted the four main parenting styles based on the degree to which parents are responsive and set limits to their children.
These four parenting styles(1) are: Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive, and Neglectful.
Authoritative parenting is the gold standard of parenting. In contrast, authoritarian, permissive, and neglectful parenting are not that good for children.
In this article we are going to explore permissive parenting and how it relates to children’s development.
What is permissive parenting?
Permissive parenting(2) (also known as indulgent parenting) refers to those parents who are affectionate, warm, and responsive towards their children but do not demand much of them.
Permissive parents want to be their children’s friends. They avoid conflict. They do not monitor their children, nor they provide guidance and structure.
They are very responsive to their children’s needs, to the point that they are considered to be at their children’s beck and call.
Their discipline style is inconsistent. One day they may punish their children for misbehaving at school, whereas another day the same behaviour may go unpunished.
Children raised by permissive parents are more likely to:
- Be impulsive.
- Not have a good academic achievement.
- Have lower levels of emotional competence.
- Show higher rates of school misconduct.
- Show delinquent behaviour during adolescence.
- Show deviant peer relations during adolescence.
- Show internalizing (e.g., anxiety) and externalizing behaviours (e.g., aggression).
- However, not everything is negative for children of permissive parents. They tend to have good self-esteem and good social skills(3).
How to know if you are a permissive parent?
You are permissive if you tend to:
- Let your child figure things out by themselves.
- Let your child do chores whenever they feel like it.
- Not know where your child is or who they are out with.
- Let your child decide when to go to bed, how much screen time to have, or eat snacks whenever they want.
- Do whatever your child asks you to do. From driving them to places even if it is inconvenient for you to buying them whatever they ask for.
- Give in so they stop crying or complaining.
Why do children of permissive parents struggle to regulate themselves?
Permissive parents do not tend to set clear rules and expectations, nor do they discipline their children consistently. This means that children have fewer opportunities to practice their regulation skills(4) because they rarely experience frustration, disappointment, or anger.
As parents, it is normal that we want to protect our children from experiencing negative events. But we must remember that they need to have opportunities to experience frustration, stress, and failure so they can learn to deal with them.
Why is permissive parenting linked with delinquent behaviour?
Permissive parents do not monitor their children well or not at all. Monitoring means to watch, supervise and be aware of our children’s activities. Children whose parents fail to monitor them are more likely to engage with the ‘wrong’ crowd and to engage in delinquent behaviour. Monitoring our children well is important, particularly during the teenage years(5).
The goal is to know what is going in your child’s life. If you are unsure about what monitoring your child means, think of it as: “Ask who, ask where, ask when.”
Is it true that when parents are stressed, they become more permissive?
Parents’ stress(6) influences their parenting. Stressed parents are more likely to become authoritarian or permissive. When you are juggling many balls, sometimes something has got to give. That may mean relaxing your parenting and becoming more permissive. For other parents, stress means that they have a shorter ‘leash’ and they become more authoritarian.
Parents who can regulate their emotions when feeling stressed, are more likely to stay authoritative. In contrast, those parents who cannot regulate their emotions well, are more likely to become authoritarian or permissive when feeling stressed.
This means that it is especially important for parents to be aware of their own emotional state and reflect on how it may be influencing their parenting, and their children.
Does permissive parenting work in some cultures?
Extensive research shows that across cultures, the style that works best is authoritative. However, it is important to remember that there are cultural differences in parenting. There is some research suggesting that in Spain(7), permissive parenting may be as good as authoritative parenting. However, it is not clear if these findings reflect real differences or if they are due to methodological differences in the research.
I am a permissive parent: How can I become more authoritative?
The good news for permissive parents is that you are already warm and caring, you just need to work on learning to set and keep rules and expectations.
Here are four tips:
- Create a set of rules: Think of the three rules that you consider most important. Explain them to your children and establish what the consequences are if they don’t follow them.
- Set expectations: What are the values that you would like your children to have? Tell them what you expect of them and set expectations.
- Let go of fear: Sometimes parents don’t want to set rules or high expectations because they are afraid that their children will stop loving them or that they won’t like them. Children need limits.
- Your child will never stop loving you because you set some limits and rules. They may not like you for a bit, but they will love you. We need to be our children’s parents as opposed to their friends. Our role is to guide our children and monitor them until they are ready to fly the nest.
- Do not try to change everything at the same time: You do not need to set up a hundred strict rules overnight. Make realistic and attainable adjustments and keep going.
- Seeking professional may be advisable. Our REC Parenting therapists are ready to support you in this journey. Get in touch here. It’s never too late to become the parent you want to be.
What about parents of neurodivergent kids?
Unsurprisingly, parenting neurodiverse children is more stressful(8) than parenting typically developing children. Parents of neurodivergent children are more likely to face extra challenges, such as financial pressure, difficult child behaviour, health problems, and unpredictable schedules (Neece & Chan, 2017). As a result, parents of neurodiverse children find it more difficult to be authoritative(9). They are more likely to become permissive or authoritarian (Woolfson & Grant, 2006).
What is the take-home message?
Permissive parenting is not the best way to parent our children. Instead, try to be authoritative as much as you can. You are already a warm and caring parent. Focus on providing more guidance and structure to your child. At REC Parenting we are here to help with a wealth of resources and one-to-one support.
Finally, remember that the perfect parent doesn’t exist! We need to try to get it right as often as we can.
I hope you find this useful. If you have any queries or comments, get in touch with me or leave a comment below. We love hearing from you!
Much love,
(1) Kuppens, S., Ceulemans, E. Parenting Styles: A Closer Look at a Well-Known Concept. J Child Fam Stud 28, 168–181 (2019).
(2)Wischerth, G. A., Mulvaney, M. K., Brackett, M. A., & Perkins, D. (2016). The Adverse Influence of Permissive Parenting on Personal Growth and the Mediating Role of Emotional Intelligence. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 177(5), 185–189.
(3) Rose, J., Roman, N., Mwaba, K., & Ismail, K. (2018). The relationship between parenting and internalizing behaviours of children: A systematic review. Early Child Development and Care, 188(10), 1468-1486.
(4)Wischerth, G. A., Mulvaney, M. K., Brackett, M. A., & Perkins, D. (2016). The Adverse Influence of Permissive Parenting on Personal Growth and the Mediating Role of Emotional Intelligence. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 177(5), 185–189.
(5)Hinnant, J.B., Erath, S.A., Tu, K.M. et al. Permissive Parenting, Deviant Peer Affiliations, and Delinquent Behavior in Adolescence: the Moderating Role of Sympathetic Nervous System Reactivity. J Abnorm Child Psychol 44, 1071–1081 (2016).
(6)Aznar, A., Sowden, P., Bayless, S., Ross, K., Warhurst, A., & Pachi, D. (2021). Home-schooling during COVID-19 lockdown: Effects of coping style, home space, and everyday creativity on stress and home-schooling outcomes. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice, 10(4), 294–312.
(7)Garcia, F., & Gracia, E. (2009). Is always authoritative the optimum parenting style? Evidence from Spanish families. Adolescence, 44(173), 101-131.
(8)Neece, C.L., Chan, N. (2017). The Stress of Parenting Children with Developmental Disabilities. In: Deater-Deckard, K., Panneton, R. (eds) Parental Stress and Early Child Development. Springer, Cham.
(9)Woolfson, L., & Grant, E. (2006). Authoritative parenting and parental stress in parents of pre‐school and older children with developmental disabilities. Child: care, health and development, 32(2), 177-184.
Authoritarian parenting style is, with authoritative, permissive, and neglectful, one of the four traditional parenting styles. These four parenting styles were first quoted by psychologists Baumrid, Maccoby, and Martin, after observing thousands of parents and children.
Authoritative parenting is the gold standard of parenting. In contrast, authoritarian, permissive and neglectful parenting are not that good for children.
Let’s have a look at authoritarian parenting and how it relates to children’s development.
Authoritarian parenting
Authoritarian (1) parents are cold and demanding. Parents expect their children to do as they are told. Good behavior is always expected. Rules are strict, non-negotiable, and not clearly explained. They do not encourage intimacy nor trust. Children’s opinions and desires are not considered.
When authoritarian parents discipline (2) their children, they don’t explain to their child why their behaviour was wrong. They use punishments and may get physical. They tend to be harsh and coercive. Parents may tell their children that they won’t love then anymore if they misbehave.
Children raised by authoritarian parents are more likely to:
- Have mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.
- Have low self-esteem.
- Have poor social skills.
- Show behavioral problems.
- Do poorly at school.
- Be hostile and rebellious towards their parents. (3)
How to know if you are an authoritarian parent?
You are authoritarian if you tend to:
- Yell at your child when they misbehave.
- Grab your child when they are being disobedient.
- Scold and critize your child when their behavior doesn’t meet your expectations.
- Say something like “because I say so” or “I am your parent and I want you to”, when your child challenges a rule.
- Punish your child by taking privileges away (e.g., “You can’t have your phone for a week!”) with little or no explanation.
- Not allow your child to have a say about family rules.
I recognize myself in many of the things you have just mentioned. What’s the problem?
If you are cold towards your child, they won’t feel loved. They may even feel rejected. It is important that children feel loved by their parents. This helps them develop a sense of self-worth, belonging, and safety. (4)
Many parents say: “It’s my job to be tough with my child, but they know I love them.” There is no doubt that authoritarian parents love their children. But as parents we must realize that it is not enough that we love them. They must feel our love. It doesn’t matter that you see yourself as a loving parent if your child doesn’t feel the same.
The second issue with authoritarian parents is that they don’t listen to their children. They don’t take their feelings and opinions into account. Therefore, children do not feel heard. They feel ignored. Their self-esteem may struggle because the message they are getting is that they are not worthy of being heard.
I am not saying that you must always follow your children’s opinions. Families are a hierarchy, where parents are in charge. But it is important that our children feel valued and heard.
I am an authoritarian parent but would like to become more authoritative. What can I do?
The good news is that we can change and improve the way we parent. It is not easy, but it can be done. Here are some tips:
- Try to be more authoritative: The more authoritative you can be, the better for your child. Authoritative parents are warm and responsive. They encourage trust and intimacy. They set high expectations and clear rules. They take into consideration their children’s opinions and feelings. In turn, children tend to do well across all aspects of life (5).
- Change your discipline style: Instead of yelling and using harsh punishments, try using logical consequences (6). These are consequences that directly address the behavior that the child should change or stop doing. For example, if your child leaves their bike in the middle of the driveway, the bike gets put away for an hour. If your child never puts their laundry in their basket, their clothes won’t be washed unless in the basket. This approach works much better than enforcing random, unrelated punishments.
- Be mindful of your emotions: Very often when we become angry with our children is because we have lost our temper. Understand what your triggers are, so you can control how you respond to your child. Feeling angry towards your child is not a problem. The problem may be what we do with that anger.
- Reflect on how you were raised: Were your parents very harsh with you? Did they use corporal punishment? Did you feel heard? Consider how it made you feel as a child and whether you want to raise your child in a similar environment, or whether you want to change.
- Rather than trying to change everything at the same time, focus on changing specific behaviours
- Seeking professional advice may be a good idea. At REC Parenting we have a team of parenting experts, ready to support you and your family. Get in touch here! It’s never too late to become the parent you want to be.
However, be mindful that the term ‘authoritarian’ doesn’t mean the same across all cultures.
Parenting is influenced by the culture we live in. Authoritarian parenting is more common in non-Western cultures, and in ethnic minorities living in Western countries.
Why? Because some non-Wester countries are collectivistic. Collectivistic cultures consider that the group is more important than the individual. An authoritarian parenting style seems to work better to get children to conform to values such as conformity, self-control, and humility, which are very important in collectivistic countries.
Parents in these cultures may use guilt, shame and scolding to discipline their children. But contrary to what happens in the Western world, these practices are not linked with negative outcomes for children (7).
Authoritarian parenting is not the best for our children. If this is your style, don’t despair. It is never too late to become more authoritative. You can achieve it with the proper guidance, work, and persistence. At REC Parenting we are here to help you.
And remember, the perfect parent does not exist. As parents we need to get it right more often than not.
I hope you have find this article helpful. As always, do get in touch if you have any questions or comments.
Much love,
- Camisasca, E., Miragoli, S., Di Blasio, P., & Feinberg, M. (2022). Pathways among negative co-parenting, parenting stress, authoritarian parenting style, and child adjustment: The Emotional Dysregulation Driven Model. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 31(11), 3085–3096.
- Carroll, P. (2021). Effectiveness of positive discipline parenting program on parenting style, and child adaptive behavior. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 53(6), 1349–1358.
- Smetana, J. G. (2017a). Current research on parenting styles, dimensions, and beliefs. Current Opinion in Psychology, 15, 19–25.
- Smetana, J. G. (1994). Parenting styles and beliefs about Parental Authority. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 1994(66), 21–36.
- Lavrič, M., & Naterer, A. (2020). The power of authoritative parenting: A cross-national study of effects of exposure to different parenting styles on Life Satisfaction. Children and Youth Services Review, 116, 105274.
- Robichaud, J.-M., Mageau, G. A., Soenens, B., Mabbe, E., Kil, H., Frenette, J., & Roy, M. (2024). Should parents combine reasoning with firm control to nurture adolescent socialization? comparing logical consequences with mild punishments. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science / Revue Canadienne Des Sciences Du Comportement.
- Chao, R. K. (1994). Beyond Parental Control and authoritarian parenting style: Understanding Chinese parenting through the cultural notion of training. Child Development, 65(4), 1111–1119.
Parental burnout is not the ‘typical’ parenting stress. Feeling stress is ‘normal’, common and even necessary.
Parental burnout is something else. It happens when parenting stress impedes parents to cope. When parents lack the resources needed to handle their parenting demands, they may develop parental burnout.
It is characterized by three main features:
- Intense exhaustion: physical, emotional, or both.
- Feeling emotionally distant from one’s child.
- Feeling doubtful of one’ capacity to be a good parent
Parents feel exhausted just by thinking about their role as parents. As a result, parents gradually detach from their children. They become less and less involved and in the end their interactions are limited to logistics and functional. Consequently, parents begin to feel that they are not good parents, and their relationship with their children is damaged.
We can all experience these symptoms at some time. But when a parent is burnout, they experience them frequently and strongly.
What Is the Difference Between Parental Burnout and Depression?
Parental burnout and depression can look quite similar, but they are different.
Parental burnout is specific to the parenting domain. You feel exhausted when being with your kids. You don’t enjoy being with the kids. You find tough dealing with everything to do with the kids. In contrast, you are totally fine at work, you enjoy spending time with your friends, and you enjoy any hobbies you may have.
Depression is more global. It’s all encompassing. You feel low. You feel tired. You feel uninterested across all aspects of your life.
How Many Parents Experience Parental Burnout?
The research on parental burnout is quite new.
Studies in 42 countries show that around 5% of parents experience parental burnout. In the Western world, this figure goes up to 8%. This is about 1 parent in every classroom.
Parental burnout is more common in Europe and the US. This is probably because these countries are very individualistic and because parenting has become increasingly demanding over the last 50 years.
Parents of neurodivergent children are more likely to experience parental burnout.
Both mothers and fathers can experience parental burnout.
Who is More Likely to Experience Parental Burnout?
These are the parents who are more at risk:
- Those who aim to be perfect parents.
- Those who have difficulties regulating their emotions and their stress.
- Don’t have emotional or practical support from their coparent or who don’t have a tribe.
- Those who don’t have much knowledge about how to raise their kids.
- Those who have children with special needs.
- Those who work part-time or are stay-at-home parents
Why Does Parental Burnout Matter?
Parental burnout has been linked with:
- Depression, addiction, and sleep problems.
- Thoughts of running away and committing suicide.
- Child neglect and child maltreatment.
- High levels of job turnover intention, and a decrease in job satisfaction.
- Conflict within the couple.
- A reduction of the quality of life and life satisfaction of the family members.
I Think I Am Experiencing Parental Burnout… What Do I Do?
If you are struggling, and you suspect that you may be experiencing parental burnout, I highly recommend that you see a specialist. Our REC Parenting therapists are here to support you. You just need to get in touch with me here and we will organize the support your need. Remember that taking care of yourself is taking care of your family.
Much love,
The four main parenting styles: Authoritative, Authoritarian, Permissive, and Neglectful. Which one is yours?
Psychologists Baumrid, Maccoby, and Martin rated thousands of parents and children along two dimensions: warmth and demandingness. Based on those two dimensions they concluded that each parent falls into one of the four main parenting styles. Why are parenting styles important? Because they play a role in children’s development.
Let’s have a look at them so you can decide the type of parent you are.
Authoritative Parenting
These parents are loving, caring, and warm. They encourage trust and intimacy. They set high expectations and clear rules. Children understand those rules and what the consequences are when they break them. Parents take into consideration their children’s opinions and feelings. Children feel safe and secure because their parents are consistent and establish clear routines.
How does authoritative parenting influence children?
Children of authoritative parents are the ones who do best. These children tend to:
- Be well adjusted
- Have good social skills
- Do well in school
- Have high self-esteem
Hundreds of studies show that authoritative parenting can be considered the gold standard of parenting.
Authoritarian Parenting
These parents are demanding and cold. They expect their children to do as they are told. They set strict rules, and they tend be inflexible and rigid. They do not encourage intimacy nor trust. Parents expect children to do as they are told.
When they discipline their children, they are harsh, use punishments and may get physical. They do not explain to the child why their behaviour was wrong.
How does Authoritarian Parenting influence children? These children are more likely to:
- Have poor social relations
- Have mental health issues such as anxiety and depression
- Do poorly at school
- Have lower self-esteem
Permissive Parenting:
These parents are warm and responsive, but they don’t expect much from their children. They provide little guidance and direction. They want to be liked by their children, so they avoid conflict.
They do no set clear limits. They are not consistent in their discipline. One day they may punish their child for not making the bed and the next day, the same behaviour may go unnoticed.
How do permissive parents influence their children? These children are:
- More likely to have emotional and behavioural problems
- Less likely to do well at school
- More likely to have self-regulation issues
Neglectful Parenting (also called uninvolved parenting):
These parents are not demanding nor responsive towards their children’s needs. They are simply not interested in their children’s lives. They don’t set expectations, nor they offer guidance, support, or supervision. They offer shelter and food but that’s about it.
They don’t discipline their children.
How do neglectful parenting influence children? These children are more likely to:
- Struggle at school
- Lack self-regulation
- Use drugs and alcohol
- Engage in delinquency and antisocial behaviour
Children of neglectful parents are the worst off.
Let me say something before we continue. You may have noticed that I use the words ‘tend to’ or ‘are likely’ quite a lot. This is because developmental psychology research cannot say 100% that something will happen, it can say that something is likely to happen. Let’s take the example of neglectful parenting. Studies show that children of neglectful parents are very likely to do poorly in life. Does this mean that all neglected children will do badly? No. There are neglected children who do well. We cannot categorically say that all neglected children will struggle, we can only say that neglected children are more likely to struggle.
Let’s now answer some questions that parents often ask about this topic.
What about other parenting styles I have heard of?
You may have heard about gentle parenting, helicopter parenting, attachment parenting, laid back parenting, reflective parenting, natural parenting, and so many others!
The reality is that most of these parenting styles do the rounds in social media and the press but there is not much (or any) scientific research backing them.
There is some research on intensive parenting (or helicopter parenting) suggesting that it is linked with negative outcomes for children.
Do I always have the same parenting style?
No. Your parenting style may change depending on what is happening in your life. For example, when parents are stressed maybe because they are going through a divorce or have been laid off at work, they are usually harsher with their children. So, a parent that is usually authoritative may become authoritarian. Be mindful of what is happening in your life to understand how you are behaving towards your children.
Many parents do not fit nicely into one category. They may be for example, mostly permissive with a bit of neglect. Like in everything in life, there are many shades of grey in parenting!
Do I have the same parenting style with all my children?
No. You may have different parenting styles with each of your children. This happens because parents influence their children, but children also influence their parents. Parenting is a way two-street. Imagine that you have a child that is always happy, loving, and easy. It is likely that you will be authoritative with them. Now, imagine that your other child has always been difficult, is moody, and aloof. It is likely that you will be more authoritarian with them.
This doesn’t mean that we love one child more than the other. It means that they are different people, and we react differently to them.
Can I change my parenting style?
Yes. Parenting styles can be changed. There are studies called ‘parenting interventions’ where parents are taught to become ‘better’ parents. I have good news:
- Parents can and do change the way the parent
- When parents become ‘better’ at parenting, their children do better
With the right support and commitment, we can become the parent we want to be more often than not. Remember that the perfect parent doesn’t exist, and our children don’t need a perfect parent. What they need is that we get it right most of the time.
If you want to change aspects of your parenting that you are not happy with, our REC Parenting therapists are here to support you.
What if my partner has one parenting style and I have another?
This is a common issue but there is not a lot of research about it. The ideal situation is one where both parents (or at least one) are authoritative.
If you have two different parenting styles, remember that you and your partner want what is best for your child, even if you disagree about what the ‘best thing’ looks like. Try to find some common ground.
Does culture influence parenting styles?
Very much so! We raise our children to fit in the society that we live in. Different societies have different values, beliefs, and traditions, so, parenting is not the same across all cultures.
Authoritative parenting is more common in Western countries. In contrast, in collectivist countries parents tend to be more authoritarian.
What about parenting styles for parents of neurodivergent children?
Like all children, neurodivergent children, benefit from authoritative parents. However, these parents may find more difficult to be warm and responsive towards their children because raising neurodivergent children brings its own challenges.
It is particularly important for parents raising neurodivergent children to take care of themselves and find a support system.
My final message?
As parents we are inundated with tips and advice. Just remember one thing: Try to be an authoritative parent as often as you can. You won’t get it always right, and that’s OK. Our children don’t need us to get it right all the time. They need us to get it right more often than not. That’s… about it.
I hope you find this article helpful. As always, if you have any questions or comments, get in touch with me.
Much love
Typically, women receive all the attention and medical care while pregnant. But once the baby is born…. All the attention and medical care goes to the baby, leaving the new mother more or less ignored.
Indeed, a new report just published shows that only 23% of mothers said they felt very supported by their healthcare provided during the postpartum phase.
This is a big mistake! Women need attention during the postpartum period, also known as the fourth trimester. This 12-week period after birth brings great joy, but it’s also a very vulnerable time.
Why? Because new mothers experience so many changes: their body changes, their emotions may be overwhelming, their relationship with their partner changes, they are not “free” anymore, they may be sleep deprived, they may feel isolated…. Basically, a new mom’s whole universe shifts. New mums need support.
It’s no wonder that 1 in 5 new mums are affected by mental health issues. The most common ones are postpartum depression and anxiety. Other women experience more severe conditions such as perinatal psychosis, PTSD, and mood disorders.
Many women do not experience any mental health issues but need support getting used to their new reality. Having a child is a deeply transformative experience.
One common issue that new mothers experience are infant-harm related thoughts. What are these? They are thoughts of unintentionally or intentionally harming the baby. They may come in form of:
- thoughts (e.g., “My baby might die”)
- impulses (e.g., having the urge to shake or throw the baby”)
- images (e.g., a mental picture of the baby’s head hitting the wall)
These thoughts are incredibly common among new mothers. It is estimated that nearly all new mothers have them! Yet, we don’t discuss them even though they make us feel horribly uncomfortable, guilty, and ashamed.
Fathers can also have these thoughts. There is not a lot of research on this, but it is estimated that 2/3 of dads experience them.
It is very important to note that having these thoughts does not usually mean that these mothers or fathers represent a risk to the baby. The fact that they feel horrified when having these thoughts, is a strong sign that they are not going to hurt their baby.
However, the emotions that these thoughts provoke can be very powerful and disturbing and therefore getting support is advisable. For some people, it may be enough to discuss it with a close friend or relative. Others may need professional support.
One of our goals at REC Parenting is to support mothers’ mental health during the fourth trimester. This is why we have a masterclass (you can also listen as a podcast) with Dr Caroline Boyd talking about infant-harm related thoughts. Caroline is a renowned clinical psychologist, and the leading expert in this field. Her masterclass is incredibly informative, empathetic, and full of applicable tips.
If you are expecting a baby or recently had a baby, I really encourage you to watch or listen to this masterclass. If you know anyone in this situation, do let them know about it. I promise that you won’t regret it.
To get access to this masterclass, you need to subscribe to REC Parenting. Your subscription will gives you access to our:
- 1-2-1 support
- library of masterclasses
- blog and toolkits
- special events
The good news is that to celebrate our partnership with Family Education, we are offering a 20% discount on our Crawling, Walking, and Running Plans. The discount code is: FAMILY EDUCATION.
Come and join us! Parenting is the most important job you will ever do, why not do it from a place of research and support?
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch with me:
I would love to hear from you. And remember to submit here any questions you may have about anything parenting. We will reply to them in next week’s Q&A email.
What are Executive Functions?
They are a set of mental skills that we use every day. We use them all the time without even thinking about it.
There are three set of executive function skills:
- Working memory: It’s the ability to hold information in mind and mentally working with it. It’s the workbench of the brain. Working memory allows us to take notes in a meeting, remember what to say while listening to others, or mentally make a plan.
- Cognitive flexibility: It’s the ability to see things from another perspective, be creative, and adjust to unexpected challenges. It allows us to understand how someone else is feeling or to find creative solutions to a problem.
- Inhibitory control: It’s our ability to resist temptations, keep focus, and give well-thought responses instead of impulsive ones. It allows us, for example, not to speak over someone or not to eat the cake because we are trying to lose weight.
Why are they important?
They are our mental tool kit. We need this kit to succeed in just about every aspect of life. From the important things to the everyday chores. Some people refer to executive function skills as the CEO of the brain.
Research shows that when our executive functions (EFs) are not well established, we may have problems in almost every aspect of life:
- Mental health: poor EFs are impaired in mental disorders such as depression, addictions, or schizophrenia.
- Physical health: poorer EFs have been linked with drug use, overeating, and obesity
- Quality of life: People with better EFs enjoy a better quality of life
- School readiness: EFs are more important for school readiness than reading, maths ability and IQ
- School success: EFs predict reading and maths competence throughout school
- Job success: poor EFs are linked with difficulty finding and keeping a job, and poor productivity
- Romantic relationships: living with a partner with poor EFs may be more difficult as they may be more likely to be impulsive, be inflexible
- Public safety: people who engage in crime, violence, and risky behaviour have been found to have poor EFs
How do Executive Functions develop?
Executive Functions are housed in the prefrontal lobe of the brain. This is the last bit of the brain to develop. It doesn’t fully develop until the early 20s.
The most basic executive function skills, like control, flexibility, keep focused, and working memory begin to develop shortly after birth, with a sharp increase between ages 3-5. For example, from the age of 2 we are already teaching children to control themselves and not hit other children or snatch from other kids.
The more complex skills, such as planning, organization, time-management, getting on with things, develop during the teenage years. Cognitive flexibility is the latest skill to develop because it builds on working memory and inhibitory control.
How do children learn about executive functions?
Executive function skills are learnt in the context of social relationships.
The main way through which children learn is by observing their parents and other relevant adults in their lives. This is called modelling. And this is the main way they learn about EFs. For example, a child sees that her mum doesn’t lose it when the milk has been moved from its usual place at the supermarket. He is learning that unexpected things happen in life and that we don’t throw a fit because of it. He is learning about flexibility, which is an executive function skill.
As parents we also explicitly teach our children about these skills. If we think about the same example, when we noticed that the milk has been moved, we say: “Oh dear, they have moved the milk. This is frustrating but let’s go and ask someone where the milk is now”. By saying this, we are teaching our children how to react to an unexpected situation and how to handle it. We are explicitly teaching them about flexibility.
Research shows that children develop their executive function skills more effectively when they have a supportive relationship with the adults in their life, when they have consistent routines, and when their parents are ‘good’ models.
Establishing healthy family practices such as cleaning all backpacks every Sunday, keeping devices out of the bedrooms, planning the week ahead or having a designated and quiet time to do homework, benefit children.
It is important to consider that executive functions also have a genetic component. So, it may be that if you struggle with certain skills, your child may do too.
What are the signs that a child may be struggling with executive functions?
There are many signs and different children will manifest it in different ways.
A clear sign is a lack of physical organization: notebooks are disorganized, pieces of paper are everywhere, and bits and bobs of the uniform get constantly lost.
Other children may struggle with time management, it may take them a long time to start a task, or they may get distracted often.
EFs are influenced by stress and sleep. Think how everything is much more difficult when we haven’t slept properly! Checking how much sleep a child is getting is always recommended.
Be mindful of what is going on in your child’s life. Are they going through a rough time at home? Have they just changed schools? Is there a new sibling in the family? Stress have been shown to delay the development of executive functions skills.
When to bring in professional support?
EFs can be improved. If you have a child that is really struggling, and you have been supporting them, but things are not improving, it may be time to seek help.
If supporting your child is getting in the way of your relationship, it is also a good idea to seek help.
There are professionals called executive function coaches. They will have regular sessions with the child to support the development of the skills they are struggling with.
Executive function coaches are relatively new to this space, so if you decide that you need a coach, remember to check their credentials, and make sure they have the right experience. We can help you find the right professional. Let us know if you need help!
There are other methods to improve EFs. A computerized training called CogMed®; and taekwondo have been shown to improve children’s EFs.
What about neurodivergent children?
Many of them struggle with executive functions and may acquire them at a slower pace than typically developing children.
Research shows a strong link between poor EFs and ADHD. Indeed, ADHD is a disorder of the prefrontal lobe where EFs are housed. Nearly all children with ADHD have some challenges with executive function skills. They are more likely to struggle with working memory, inhibitory control, and emotional regulation.
In the case of children with autism, their EF skills may trail behind those of peers by many years.
Children with dyslexia are more likely to have problems with working memory. This creates difficulties with spelling.
Neurodivergent children benefit from the same techniques that we have just discussed to improve their EFs, although in their case, it may take longer to see improvements.
We hope you find this information useful. It’s worth knowing about EFs to be able to support your child’s development. Knowing about EFs allows you to support them in areas that they may be struggling and to adjust your expectations, based on the developmental stage they are at.
If you would like some support or would like to get more information on this topic, do not hesitate to get in touch with me at
Much love,