The importance of sleep for children & teenagers
Expert: Dr Anna Joyce
Masterclass structure: 23 lessons (36:17 minutes)
Sobre esta clase
Sleep is the keystone of our wellbeing and it is fundamental for children’s development. However, the saying ‘I will sleep when I am dead’ seems to have become a mantra for many people. In this masterclass, Dr Anna Joyce explains why it is fundamental for our children to sleep, and to sleep well! This masterclass is recommended for every single one of us.
About the expert
Dr Anna Joyce is an Assistant Professor in Psychology, specialising in sleep and atypical development. Her researcher focuses on sleep and cognition in typical and atypical development, and the impact of sleep problems on children’s cognition and behaviour. She is especially interested in cognitive development in children with developmental disorders and whether sleep problems which are common in these children could be at least partly responsible for some of the cognitives difficulties they face. She conducts research in aytpical groups, including Down syndrome, Williams syndrome, Autism and intellectual disability.
Anna is a chartered psychologist and an honorary lecturer at UCL. She has previously held research and clinical roles at Coventry University and Evelina London, St Thomas’ Hospital.
Lecciones de esta clase
La masterclass completa | 35:31 | |
1. Lección - Conoce a tu experta | 0:52 | |
2. Lección - Are we sleeping less or worse than we used to? | 1:18 | |
3. Lección - Sueño y salud mental | 1:53 | |
4. Lección - Sueño y memoria | 1:12 | |
5. Lección - Sueño y habilidades cognitivas | 2:13 | |
6. Lección - Sleep and wellbeing | 2:40 | |
7. Lección - Sueño y obesidad | 1:52 | |
8. Lección - El sueño se recupera? | 1:34 | |
9. Lección - La siesta: Buena idea? | 1:26 | |
10. Lección - Aging and sleep | 1:06 | |
11. Lección - Good and bad sleepers: Why? | 1:07 | |
12. Lección - Sueño y pantallas | 1:58 | |
13. Lección - Sueño y atención | 1:39 | |
14. Lección - Sueño y crecimiento | 1:05 | |
15. Lección - Sueño y diabetes | 1:16 | |
16. Lección - El sueño en niños neurodivergentes | 3:41 | |
17. Lección - Sleep and "brain cleaning" | 1:27 | |
18. Lección - Sueño y ejercicio físico | 2:03 | |
19. Lección - Sleep and the immune system | 1:32 | |
20. Lección - Waking up tired | 0:48 | |
21. Lección - Should parents worry if their kids are not sleeping enough? | 1:01 | |
22. Lección - I will sleep when I am dead | 1:44 | |
23. Lección - Mensaje final | 0:50 |
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