
Self-harm in the teenage years

Expert: Dr. Tara Porter
Masterclass structure: 9 lessons (27:57 minutes)

Also available as podcast: Listen here

Sobre esta clase

Few things are as distressing for a parent that having a child who is self-harming. Sadly, self-harm is quite prevalent amongst teenagers. In this masterclass, Dr Tara Porter, explains what self-harm is and tells us how to deal with our teenager should we find ourselves in this situation. This masterclass is of interest to all parents of teenagers and teenagers-to-be.

About the expert

Dr Tara Porter is a Clinical Psychologist and writer. She has worked in the UK public health NHS for 25 years, mainly in child and adolescent mental health. Now she works privately, writes and speaks about mental health. She is the author of a Sunday Times Bestselling book called “You Don’t Understand Me” which has been translated into 17 other languages, and is sold all around the world. It is written to the young women of the world.

Lecciones de esta clase

9 Lessons (27:57min)
La masterclass completa 27:27
1. Lección - Conoce a tu experta 0:47
2. Lección - What is self-harm? 1:28
3. Lección - Why do teenagers self-harm? 3:57
4. Lección - Are there any signs that teenagers are self harming? 1:17
5. Lección - What to do if your child is self-harming? 9:20
6. Lección - Should we share what is going on with family and the school? 1:49
7. Lección - Is self-harm "contagious"? 5:59
8. Lección - What does psychological treatment look like? 2:43
9. Lección - Mensaje final 0:37

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